Chapter Two: Enos's Visit

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That night, Enos snuck in wearing his dark, navy blue uniform so he wouldn't be seen. He was holding a bag of dog food, a pair of clothes folded neatly, a cigar box, and a yellow piece of paper. He set all of the items down on the kitchen table and started handing them out.

The clothes and the dog food went to Rosco, the cigar box to Boss Hogg, and the piece of paper to Bo and Luke.

"What's this Enos?" Luke asked.

"It's a note from Cooter. I didn't read it, but he said it's real important," Enos explained.

Rosco looked up from what he was doing, a confused look on his face. "When did this whole thing start? Last I remember, you were a total dipstick to work with."

Enos looked him in the eye, shaking his head. "I never was. I was sworn in as an honest lawman, and that's all I ever tried to be. You just thought I was too dumb to realize any of the corruptness of Hazzard law."

There was a new sense of confidence in Enos's voice. It came as no surprise--there was nothing that Boss Hogg or Rosco could do to him now.

Enos gave a slight nod of farewell to the Dukes, turned on his heel, and left. Flash whined, and looked up at Rosco, putting a paw on his foot. Once again, the house was quiet.

Luke unfolded the piece of paper, breaking the silence. Bo looked over his shoulder as they read it to themselves. Jesse fished a bowl out of the cupboard for Flash's food. Boss Hogg took a cigar out of the cigar box and lit it.

Rosco barely blinked. He stood at the table, still as a statue. It wasn't like Enos to talk to him like that. He'd never talked back, always followed orders, and was consistent.

If Bo and Luke jumped the General Lee, Enos jumped the patrol car, that was that. Sure, Enos was gullible, and most definitely not the smartest as they come; half the time it was Rosco that messed everything up. He worked twice as hard, seven days a week for fourteen hours, and earned minimum wage for it. Now, the two people who had caused his life to be that way were at his mercy. The two people who had forever gone out of their way to be rid of the Dukes now stood helplessly begging for their food and protection.

"So, ah, what's the note say?" Jesse asked.

"Well, in what we can make outta Cooter's horrible spellin', is that there were two guys at the garage today lookin' for us," Luke explained.

"Lookin' for you? That don't make no sense, the two of you ain't worth the hair on a squirrel's bottom," Boss Hogg grumbled, mouth working on the end of his cigar.

"We'd better go down there and talk to him tomorrow," Bo remarked.

"Yes, but in the meantime, I think it's got late enough," Jesse said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

Rosco carried Flash out to the living room and set her on the floor. Boss Hogg threw away his cigar and went out as well. Jesse proceeded to turn the lights off in the house until only the porch light was shining in through the screen door.


That next morning, Bo and Luke rushed over to Cooter's Garage in Jesse's pickup. Daisy took Dixie to the Boar's Nest. They talked on the CB for a bit, but Cooter said he didn't want to discuss things on the air. So, they drove into town and parked out front of the garage. The doors were closed and it was quiet. Bo and Luke climbed out and opened one of the doors a crack. Cooter waved them in and Bo shut the door behind them.

"Alright Cooter, what can you tell us?" Luke asked.

Cooter was sitting on the hood of the General Lee. He took a deep breath and began quietly, "Them there Feds have a reward out for anyone willin' to capture and turn in ol' Boss Hogg and Rosco. Yesterday afternoon, two guys in a black Trans Am, as if it were straight outta a Smokey and the Bandit movie, pulled up and asked me where they could find y'alls' farm. I told 'em I had no idea what they were talkin' about. The one pulled a gun out on me, so I told 'em how to get to the old copper mine. They bought it, and they're out lookin' for ya now. If y'all want my advice, I'd avoid drivin' the General Lee, them fellers 're dangerous."

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