Chapter 12

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"It would be against FBI procedure to suggest the use of sex in an investigation," Hotch interrupted. "That being said, it would also be against FBI procedure to spend tax dollars on a highly secretive mission doomed to fail because the agents did not fully assume the roles required of them by the undercover operation."

"Oh, man. I cannot wait to watch this!" Morgan exclaimed gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

"You won't be," Hotch sternly informed him. "The cabin we've decided to use will not be undergoing traditional surveillance measures. It is only on the night that the package is received that you will send out a text message alerting us to the imminent threat. This is the sole detail we've managed to withhold from the media and the one that we believe will lead us to the unsub's capture. Our presence at the cabin would most likely just scare her away and lead her to search for a new target or perhaps even a new town. Moreover, I'm astutely aware that having the team watching you would make it extraordinarily difficult to engage in ... activities ... which will already be extraordinarily difficult for you."

Emily briefly snuck a glance at JJ, who was biting hard on the inside of her cheeks, her hands clenched so tightly that her fists were turning white.

"That being said," Hotch continued, "if, at any point, you feel as though you're in danger or that you can no longer participate in the mission, you will send us a text message and we will cease all operations immediately."

"For your protection, we've decided it would be best to text you every night between 10 and 11 pm, which is the time the coroner estimates that each of the murders occurred. We will simply write, 'How's it going?' and you are not to respond with sentences or even words. Merely hit random keys on your iPhone and press send. Once receipt has been confirmed, delete the conversation. If you are in trouble or want to end the operation, you will text us with a complete word. Any complete word - even a word like 'an' or 'or' will be sufficient for us to move in with a SWAT team and local PD. Such a text can be sent at any time, day or night, and our response will be swift and immediate," Rossi instructed them.

"Oh, and one more thing," Hotch added. "You are expected to become an active part of the community, partially so that we can engage in surveillance and partially to be accepted within the community. Ladies' Night Out on Saturday at the gay-friendly bar and dinner at one of the five restaurants on the main street followed by Indie Movie Tuesday will become your two weekly date nights. Separately, you will attend local organizations and groups such as removing trash from the surrounding forests, joining the local book club, attending their Second Amendment Rights meetings ..."

"Why separately?" Emily wanted to know. "Won't it be riskier to separate us?"

"No. It will make your partnership more plausible and it will allow you to get to know the local community on an individual basis. Expect unannounced visitors dropping off homemade goods - visitors you will invite inside for a cup of tea. Expect dinner invitations, which you will attend together. And expect to encounter some friction."

"Oh, they'll be encountering friction, all right ..." Morgan said to himself, grinning ear to ear.

"Agent Morgan, if you cannot cooperate in this assignment as a trained professional of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, you can easily be placed elsewhere," Hotch warned, his eyes flashing with anger.

"No, sir. That won't be necessary, sir," Morgan replied immediately.

"We're going to fly commercially later this evening. You two, however, will be driving a U-Haul with empty boxes inside from D.C. to Missouri. Although the house has been furnished, the arrival of two newcomers without any personal belongings is certain to arouse suspicion. We'll expect your arrival on Friday, so you can book rooms in motels on the way and develop your personal story, from your names to how you met and fell in love to where you're from to your occupations, and it will give you some time before reaching your destination to try and become comfortable with each other in a more ... intimate way."

The team dispersed, leaving only JJ and Emily sitting at that table in silence.

In a low voice, Emily murmured, "Listen, JJ, if you want to refuse to do this, I completely understand. Especially after what happened on Friday night."

JJ kept her eyes fixed on her perfectly-manicured fingernails for a moment before looking up to meet Emily's gaze. She leaned in, so closely their lips almost touched, and whispered, "Sometimes wishes do come true. Even if they're not exactly how you imagined they'd happen."

With that, she shoved her chair back and walked out of the room, leaving Emily sitting there, stunned.

Her open-mouthed shock quickly transformed into a huge, beaming grin. This was definitely going to be one assignment that they'd never forget.

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