Chapter 2

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Garcia and Emily exchanged knowing glances. "Should I go or -" Garcia asked in a small voice, clearly still upset with herself for unexpectedly outing Emily.

"No." Emily shook her head. "Let me."

When she entered the bathroom, JJ had both hands on one of the sinks, propping herself up while she stared into the mirror morosely. This was a bad sign. This was when she started to transform from "carefree and fun" JJ to "melancholy and tearful" JJ. It rarely happened during Girl's Night Out, but when it did, the confessions about her trapped existence with Will, about their unsatisfying sex life, and her about her regretful wishes that she'd never married him at all, would pour out of her like a sudden storm invading a perfect, sunny day.

Emily waited behind her friend silently until JJ met her eyes in the bathroom mirror. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd tell Will," she confessed. "And I didn't want Will to know because I knew that he'd make sure to end our friendship and possibly even our working relationship."

"So it was to protect me?" JJ mocked derisively.

"No. It was also to protect myself. To protect myself from losing you." Emily paused and inhaled deeply. "Because - look, I know you're straight and I know you're married, but sometimes we can't help falling in love with the wrong people. And sometimes we're willing to accept whatever we can justifiably have with those people because the alternative, the possibility of losing them completely, is so much worse."

Fuck. Emily was definitely drunk. And careless. And stupid. And she had definitely just ruined their friendship as if she'd crumpled it up into a tiny ball and flushed it down the toilet. Chagrined, she stepped away so JJ couldn't see the flush of pink coloring her face and so she couldn't see the horror she imagined on JJ's.

"You said you knew you were a lesbian your whole life. Is that true?" JJ asked quietly, staring down at the sink.

Emily thought for a moment. "Well ... I guess ... No, not really. I mean, I had crushes on guys when I was growing up, dated plenty of them, but it always felt like something was ... missing. And then when I went to college, I met Stephanie. Despite how hard I tried to fight it, it really was love at first sight. But you know the basic story already. I told you I'd never felt so attracted to someone before, had never experienced pleasure from sex before, had never felt so alive in a relationship before. I just left out the fact that she was a woman when I was telling you about her."

"What if I told you that I've been fighting my feelings for you ever since we met?" JJ whispered to herself.

Emily laughed, struck by the absurdity of the question. "I'd say you were drunk and pissed off and lying to me because I lied to you."

Before her intoxicated mind could process what was happening, JJ stumbled toward her and pressed her lips against Emily's. Hard. Opened her lips and pushed her tongue in Emily's mouth. Whimpered. Continued kissing her. Twisted her tongue around Emily's. Moaned. Pulled back. "Do you still think I'm lying?" she hissed, brushing the dark strands of hair away from Emily's forehead. Those eyes ... those innocent blue eyes ... didn't seem so innocent anymore.

"So if I did this, what would you do?" Emily wondered curiously, tracing one hand gently up and down JJ's inner thigh, leaning forward to kiss JJ's hungry, desperate mouth, before she had her answer, when JJ's legs parted underneath her skirt.

"... I'd want you to do this," JJ groaned boldly, taking Emily's hand by the wrist, unfolding her fingers, and grazing Emily's palm against the damp cotton of her panties, rubbing it back and forth.

Emily was still intoxicated, all right, but it was an intoxication of a very different kind: not the blurry, hazy intoxication of alcohol, but the confident, powerful intoxication of lust.

How long had it been since she'd last felt this? Those first perfect caresses of her deft hands against a woman who had never experienced the all-consuming, exquisite pleasure that only another woman can provide? A woman who - as in JJ's case - had never experienced pleasure with another person at all?

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