21- The end? 👀

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No ones pov

"Bill! You're ok!" Dipper trapped the demon in a tight embrace which Bill returned, happy that they were all safe.
Opening his eyes, Dipper realized that his sister wasn't behind Bill as he thought she would be.
"Uh Bill? Where's Mabel?" He asked worriedly. At this Bill quickly turned around only to find the space Mabel should be in empty, she didn't teleport back with him.
"Shit shit shit!" Bill began looking around the whole house, thinking maybe she just didn't end up right next to him like he thought she would.
"Bill? I-I thought you said she'd come back!" Dipper said as he helped look around the house.
"Sh-she should've! I-I don't know what went wrong!" Bill yelled from the kitchen, getting more and more panicked by the second.
"M-maybe she's okay, Grunkle Ford wouldn't hurt her, no matter how mad he is. W-we just need to go back and find her." Dipper tried to point out, mostly for himself.
Bill suddenly stopped looking, remembering what happened right before he left.
"Sixer shot one of his guns at me." He muttered, enough for Dipper to hear.
"Wh-what?" Dipper whispered, realizing the same thing as Bill.
"It was the last thing I saw before I escaped..." He replied.
Both boys were silent as they considered what could have happened to Mabel.
"Maybe it didn't hit her." Bill mumbled, making his way to Dipper who seemed to have panicked even more.
"B-but w-what if i-it did? W-what if he hit her a-and she's h-hurt o-or worse?" Dipper moved out of Bill's reach and began pacing the room.
"Pinetree stay calm." He grabbed a hold of Dippers shoulders to stop his pacing, but Dipper still didn't look up at him. "Look it was a gun specifically to kill me, so there's a goo- great chance that it didn't affect her even if it did touch her. Plus... plus he aimed right at me and she was next to me, n-not even that close to me. Just calm down ok?" Bill tried to reassure, although it only seemed to make things worse.
"S-so she's alive a-and now s-she's with F-Ford?! A-and he knows she turned against him s-so who knows how mad he is now a-and-" He cut himself off, not wanting to finish his own sentence or even think of what could be happening to his sister.
"Pinetree?" Dipper was shaking in Bill's hold and his breathing was increasing by the second.
"Pinetree calm down!" Bill tried, but Dipper didn't hear him over the sound of his heart beating in his ears.
Bill noticed this, and decided to hug Pinetree as an attempt to calm him down.
"B-bill wh-what if-" Bill cut Dipper off before he could finish.
"She's going to be ok Pinetree, we'll get her back I promise." Bill whispered, rubbing triangles on Dippers back.
Dippers breathing seemed to slow down, and the sound of Bill's voice helped in soothing him. He eventually leaned into Bill's touch, starting to calm down.
"W-we need a plan, w-we need to stop Ford, for real this time."
"Well what are we supposed to do? Sixer will never give up and we can't just hide forever."
Dipper released himself from Bill's hold and began pacing again.
"I-I don't know yet, but there has to be something we could do right? Appeal to him in some way?" Dipper tried.
"Appeal to him? Pinetree there's nothing we can say to make him believe that I'm different now, it's not like we can just negotiate..." He stopped himself as he saw Dipper come to a conclusion he wasn't very happy about.
"Y-you could make a deal with him!" Dipper said "No evil in exchange for him not trying to kill you all the time, he doesn't know you can't do anything bad even if you tried so it's a win-win!"
"Except for the fact that he would never make a deal with me again, not after all the tricks from last time." Bill replied, still not completely on board with the plan.
"But we can prove there's no loopholes, it's a simple deal." Dipper tried to reason, not seeing any other way to go.
"It's the only way to make sure you stay safe. Please Bill, I-I don't want to see anything happen to you. I-I can't lose you..." Dipper pleaded, looking down before more tears came. The mere thought of Bill getting hurt nearly broke him. His thoughts were interrupted as Bill put his hand under Dippers chin, moving his face to look up at him.
"If you really think it'll work we'll do it." Bill assured, although he wasn't completely sure himself, he couldn't continue to see his Pinetree in so much pain.
Dipper slightly smiled and reached up to hug his demon, happy that they at least had an idea of what they could do.
"Let's start with finding a meeting point."

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