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3rd person pov

"I thought he said his name was Will."

Dipper didn't know if Ford said something after that, he couldn't hear anything but the sound of his heart beat getting faster and louder.
How could he be so stupid?
How could he let Bills name slip out like that?
How could he be so careless?

What did Ford think?
Could he have made the connection?
Yes he was smart, but Bill Cipher "died" 4 years ago and in Fords mind there is no possible way he became human.
"O-oh, d-did I say Bill? Haha silly me, I-I meant Will of course. Stupid mistake haha." The more nervous Dipper sounded the more suspicious the Grunkles had became.
Could Bill really still be alive?
In a human form no less?
And what was Dipper doing hanging around him if he was back?
As before mentioned- Ford was smart, he knew if he just asked his nephew if that was Bill he wouldn't tell him.
But with the state the kid was in could he possibly crack under pressure?
No, too risky to try. Ford did the next best thing...
"Oh, of course. No worries we all make mistakes..." He'd lie until he had evidence of Bills existence, if there even was any.
With that Dipper let out the breath he was holding and nodded, quickly retreating up the stairs. It was like every move he made had made the Grunkles more suspicious. Ford started for the kitchen.
"The kid accidentally says the name of an evil triangle who almost killed us, and you don't immediately question him? I find that strange even for you Pointdexter." Stan said as he followed his brother. But Ford didn't hear what Stan had said, he was too lost in thought. Both Bill and Will shared many similarities-
The color yellow
The voice
The name
The overall sense of style the boy had
Was it really possible?
If it was how did Bill escape?
Ford knew there was a good chance Bill hadn't died, he was a Chaos God after all. But he figured he'd be sent somewhere to receive his punishment- considering he broke basically every rule.
So why would he be back here?
In Gravity Falls?
Could this somehow be his punishment?
He did hate "fleshbags". It's possib-
"Ford!" He was pulled out of his trance by the booming voice of his twin brother, who sighed when he finally got the attention of his brother.
"Finally! Anyways, what are we going to do about Dipper? Are we really going to just let him stay with some kid we've never met? In fact should we even be letting him leave at all? Shouldn't we fix things?" Everything Stan had said was true, it was pure logic to have Dipper stay with them instead of going off with a potential dream demon turned human. But Ford needed to know, even if it meant sacrificing his nephew.
"Come on Stanley, it was just a mistake. There's no logical way Bill Cipher could still be alive AND human. The scientific eviden-" As he was about to make up a fake explanation as to why Bill couldn't be alive, Stanley cut in.
"Nope. Not gonna listen to you explain big words I won't understand. And again, shouldn't we be trying to fix things with a Dipper, not push him away?"
Both men stood in silence, contemplating the events of the night before and 5 minutes ago.
To sum it up- the adult twins did not hate Dipper, in fact they did not even completely blame Dipper for what had happened. Not completely. They did feel he was somewhat responsible, Mabel had explained everything to them last night. But they had to agree that the drunk driver himself was at fault as well. But, despite the recent events and the new discovery of Dippers anxiety- they didn't want him completely gone and alone...
"We will mend our relationship with him eventually but... we said a lot last night and I think he just needs time to himself." Although Stanley agreed with his brothers statement, he still felt like they should at the very least apologize for their actions... but Ford was the smart brother, he knew what to do in all situations and Stanley had no right to go against what was said unless he had a real reason. They could apologize to Dipper any day, right now he needed space... right?
"Whatever you say I guess..." But he still felt unsure.
Ford was about to speak again before he heard the small, almost silent footsteps of Dipper about to leave the shack.

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