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3rd person pov

Stanford was currently on the second floor of his lab, where he kept everything and anything Bill related. It had been about 2 hours since Dipper had left and in all that time he still couldn't find his supernatural tracker, sure he had many, but this one was specifically made to track Bills paranormal "trail".

If he's in Gravity Falls and using magic, I'll find him.
Ford thought to himself as he pulled the tracker out from underneath one of his tapestries, specifically one of Bill destroying the world and people bowing down to him over none other than a burning Pinetree. Ford never understood the significance of the Pinetree until he met Dipper, but he doesn't know if it means the rise or fall of him.
Will Dipper lead with Bill or will he burn?
It was all so confusing and terribly inconvenient.
Ford turned on the 'Bill tracker' and waited for its readings. Unfortunately for him, it could only track about 10 miles away from the Mystery Shack in all directions, but he felt if he was with Dipper, he would be close by.

It was not long before he heard the fast beeping of the machine, meaning it picked something up! Ford was astonished, Bill was alive, and he was close by. Closer than he thought.
When Ford looked at the machine he saw that the last time Bill did magic within the 10 mile radius was almost just outside the mystery shack minutes after Dipper had left.

So they are together... that means they must have teleported away as to not be seen.

Ford immediately followed the tracker to the spot Bill and Dipper had just been, and sure enough there was a demonic residue that another one of Fords inventions could easily pick up, if only the tracker worked for farther distances, then he could find out where they teleported to.

I guess I'll have to start enhancing this one to get it to read farther distances.

With that he turned around, heading back to the shack to work on his investigation. As he entered the shack he gave a quick nervous hello to Stan and Mabel who were in the kitchen. Ford didn't know it, but before he entered they were sitting in complete silence, both fighting the sudden guilt they felt over Dipper, but neither mentioning it to the other.
When Ford rushed into his lab they did not think anything of it, since they would not understand what he had to say anyway. Stan was the first to break the silence.
"Hey pumpkin, I've noticed how yours and Dippers relationship has been... strained, but do you think you'll ever... forgive him?" Stan asked this cautiously, spending the quiet time to carefully choose his words as to not upset Mabel, she's already been through so much; the loss of her parents, the new change in location, and now her and Dipper aren't even close. Stan didn't know the full story, he knew she blamed Dipper for the crash, but from what he could see she was still nice to him besides the occasional nickname.
Dipper is the one who's pulling away from us. Completely ignoring Mabel even though she's trying to get past the crash that was partly his fault in the first place. He's the one who decided to leave, why should I apologize when he doesn't even bother to talk to us?

"No." Mabels voice broke Stan out of his thoughts, but there was something different about it, more serious, yet she sounded like she would break down any second.
"I won't ever forgive him for killing my parents, it's just... he just... he hasn't even apologized to us Grunkle Stan! I mean he didn't just kill my parents, he killed my family. Our family Grunkle Stan! How could I forgive that?" She looked down before the tears in her eyes could be shown, but Stan saw them anyways, and the sniffling didn't help her case.
Mabel was angry, angry because she hated Dipper, angry at herself because she hated Dipper, she was in a constant cycle of conflicting emotions for her brother and she couldn't process them. She wanted them gone but they wouldn't leave, so she did the next best thing: ignored them, which also meant ignoring her brother. She felt it was a good thing to ignore it, she could just pretend it wasn't there, pretend she was fine when in reality she was closing in on herself. But Mabel wasn't very fond of reality. The thoughts almost felt like they were not her own, or if they were, they were not supposed to be there.

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