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Bill's pov

After the whole 'weirdmageddon failing and the Pines defeating me thing' I was sent back to the nightmare realm where I was given my punishment, which, let me tell you, was not what I expected...

4 years ago

"Bill Cipher, you have committed multiple crimes as well as breaking almost every rule by starting your weirdmageddon and trying to take over the world. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Listen, it was just supposed to be a fun party for my friends and I, and it would've worked if it wasn't for those damn Pines! There's nothing wrong with trying to bring a little fun to their boring dimension!"
"You see nothing wrong with almost destroying the world and killing innocent people?"
"Nope, and why should I? They had it coming."
"Very well, then I have decided your punishment- you will go back to earth with limited powers, as well as a new human form that you will design for yourself. Your days of unfair deal making and evil doings are over, instead you will only use your powers for good and for your survival, and to ensure that we put a type of restriction on your powers."
"So what, like a child lock? AND I have to be in a meat sack?!?"
"Precisely. We will send you to a cabin deep in the woods where no unwanted visitors can disturb you, it will have the normal human necessities you will need to take care of yourself."
"But I don't know the first thing about being a human! I won't survive a week! Please, there has to be something else I can do!"
"Nothing else. This is your punishment Cipher, deal with it, now goodbye. Consider this a second chance of sorts. Maybe make up with the Pines family."


"Maybe make up with the Pines family." Was the last thing I heard before I was expelled from the nightmare realm and sent back to good ol' Gravity Falls. No offense to the boss, but that's never going to happen, it's been 4 years and even if I wanted to see them again they definitely wouldn't want to see me. But it's not like that'll ever happen, I hate all of them with a burning passion... well, almost all of them, I did take a liking to little pinetree, he was always so smart and adorable. And it was so fun being in his body when I tricked him, although I do feel a little guilty for that, I didn't really need to damage his body that much. UGH! STUPID MEAT SACK EMOTIONS, MAKING ME FEEL THINGS LIKE GUILT AND SADNESS! 4 years and I'm still thinking about Pinetree. I treated him the worst, but it's because I liked being around him, he was an interesting human and even though I didn't have emotions I was still fascinated with him and I didn't know how to show it.
Anyways, when I first got banished here I felt very confused, along with a new emotion; fear. I really was terrified, I saw all these things in the cabin and I had no idea how to use any of them, in fact I'm pretty sure I still don't use some of them right. I was also feeling really alone, which made me sad, and being sad made me angry because I shouldn't be feeling any of these emotions in the first place! Stupid Human body! Stupid feelings! Stupid punishment!
Eventually I got the hang of some of the more important stuff like eating and personal hygiene, and I even found ways to entertain myself, which wasn't hard since the human species is naturally interesting. And pain really is hilarious, but I have to make sure I don't overdo it since these bodies are breakable. Stupid. Oh and don't get me started on this other new emotion I have for Pi-
Wait, what's this? Shooting Star and Pinetree are back? I can sense their presence, but somethings off about them, they don't seem as close and Pinetree seems more... anxious? Maybe I should pop in sometime, my powers are limited but I can still teleport, or maybe enter his dreams? No I shouldn't... he wouldn't like that. I do kinda miss him though... he always was a challenge.

Damn 4 years as a human has really changed Bill. Sorry if this sucks a lot but ya, continue reading
new 2022 update: don't pay any attention to my self degradation i was probs just fishing for compliments🤷🏼‍♀️

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