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Mabels pov

It was around midnight when I fell asleep on Bill's couch, Dipper said I passed out halfway through the fourth Ghost Turtle movie so he turned it off and went to bed himself. It was really nice enjoying really bad horror movies with my brother, I didn't realize how much I missed and needed him.

Looking at the clock, I saw it was a little past 9:00am and, from the lack of noise, Bill and Dipper were still asleep. I couldn't really do anything considering it wasn't my home, and I didn't know where anything was anyways, so I decided to check my phone and let Pacifica know I was okay.

After turning on my phone I saw a bunch of missed calls from Grunkle Ford. I knew it wouldn't be good to call him back, he could track my phone that way, I just hope Grunkle Stan didn't tell him anything and he just thinks I ran away or something.
After sending a quick text to Pacifica, no details of where I am of course, I heard the sound of a door open and saw Bill walk into the room. At first I was a little nervous, I mean this is Bill Cipher, used to be Chaos God and now my brothers boyfriend, not to mention I've treated both him and Dipper horribly these last few weeks, he probably hates me.
"I don't hate you Shooting Star." I heard Bill say from the kitchen.
"Did I say that out loud?!" I almost yelled, shocked that I actually did that, he laughed as I entered the room.
"No, I can read minds remember? 'I can even tell what you're thinking right now.'" He said, making his voice higher and with more echo to mimic what he said to me when I was 12.
"Oh... right." I said, slowly wrapping my brain around it all.
"So..." I started "you don't hate me then? Even after everything I did to Dipper?" I asked, although I kind of regretted it, not wanting to remember.
"Don't get me wrong, it was awful how you treated him but... it brought him to me." I saw a small smile formed on his lips at that thought. "And besides, you're parents had just died, you were looking for someone to blame, it shouldn't have been Dipper, but everyone's mind does that. Plus, you apologized and you're helping us now, you're a good person Shooting Star, you just made some bad choices." He had a small smile on his face letting me know what he said was true.
"And besides" He added "I tried to end the world and almost killed your family, if I get a second chance you should get one too right?" He concluded, I laughed lightly, the tension in the room finally leaving.
"Thanks Bill, it means a lot... I'm glad you and Dipper found each other." He smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, me too." Just then we heard footsteps and out came a tired looking Dipper.
"Good morning guys." He yawned rubbing his eyes, I saw Bill awe at him, Dipper always looked a kid waking up; messy hair, too big clothes, and a high pitched child-like yawn and expression on his face.
"Morning Dipper."
"Morning Pinetree." We both said at the same time which Dipper smiled at.
"You guys want pancakes?" Bill asked, standing up to kiss Dipper's forehead and stand by the stove.
I nodded excitedly while Dipper shrugged, probably still a little tired. He sat down in the seat next to me while Bill started on the pancake mix.
"How was your sleep?" He asked quietly, voice still tired.
"Pretty good, how about you? You look exhausted, when did you fall asleep?" I asked, I knew Dipper had insomnia, he was never well rested. He was quiet for a moment, probably thinking.
"Um, 4?" He said, more like a question.
"In the morning?!" I exclaimed, and saw Bill looking a little concerned in the corner of my eye.
"Well I-I couldn't sleep, so I just started making plans for how we'll deal with the gnomes a-and Ford until I eventually fell asleep." He looked up at Bill, noticing his worry.
"You guys I'm fine, I've run on less sleep than this before, I'll just take a shower to wake myself up if it'll make you guys feel better." He got out of his seat, heading for their room.
"Pinetree wait are you sure you're-"
"I'm fine Bill." Dipper said, cutting Bill off, he sounded distant.
I could tell Bill wanted to stop or follow him but he stayed where he was.

It was relatively silent while Bill and I ate breakfast, I could tell he was really worried for Dipper, and I don't think it was just because of his lack of sleep.
As soon as he heard the shower turn off Bill put his plate in the sink and headed for their room, probably to talk to Dipper, maybe force him to sleep.
I put my dish in the sink and decided to wait for the two in the living room. I looked at my phone seeing I got a text from Pacifica, maybe texting her can help pass the time.

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