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Dippers pov

The drive to the bus stop was mostly quiet. Usually Mabel would be making friends with the social worker within the first minute but she hasn't said anything. In fact I don't think she's really talked to me since the day our parents died.
It's been really strange living with a sister who once loved me. I've been trying to talk to her but all she does is glare at me and say mean things when she enters a room.
The car came to a stop by the bus stop, I never imagined I would be sad to see it. Once we stepped on we were the only two there, and to no one's surprise, Mabel sat as far away from me as she could. I just wish we could go back to how it was before, when we could laugh together and she'd called me her bro-bro, now all she calls me is a freak and a mistake.
We don't even look at each other while on the bus. As much as I want her back, I need her to apologize before anything, she shouldn't have said that to me and I refuse to believe she really thinks it's my fault, I mean how could I have known? Before I even realize what's happening I'm shaking and tears are coming out of my eyes, the only sound coming from me is my heavy breathing.
"Oh great dip-shit, having another panic attack? Why? because deep down you know the reason our parents are dead is you?" Shut up Mabel. I want to speak but I can't, it's just coming out as gasps of breath. She laughs.
"HAHA, what's the matter dip-shit? Don't wanna admit it?" Stop talking, just stop talking please. "Whatever Dipper" she says my name with venom in her voice, have I really lost my sister?

Time skip to Gravity Falls

"Kids! Welcome back! I wish it wasn't under these circumstances, but we will get through this together, as a family" Yeah, right. "How are you two holding up?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"I'd be better if dip-shit here got away from me. Ever hear of personal space?" I was at least 5 ft away from her. Grunkle Ford spoke first.
"Uh Mabel? You ok kiddo? You don't seem like yourself."
"Yeah, and since when do you not like Dipper?" Grunkle Stan.
"Since it's HIS fault our parents are dead! They were only out driving to get Dippers anxiety medication, if he was just normal none of this would've happened!" Great, now our Grunkles know I'm a freak too. "Woah kid, is that true?" Asked Stan. Oh God, they're going to blame me, or worse, they'll throw me out for being a freak!
I don't answer them, I can't answer them. Is that Grunkle Stan talking? I can't tell, what's going on? After frantically looking around for anything to calm me down and gasping for breath, black starts to cloud my vision, the last thing I hear before I pass out completely is
"Typical Dipper".

Woaahhh sorry it's so short I'm really trying here and I have 0 self confidence. But don't worry, billdip will be coming within the next few chapters!
june 2, 2022 update: bye i'm so self conscious here✋🏽😭 🫡

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