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No ones pov

As the strange man before him fell to the ground, Dipper was filled with confusion.
Who was this?
Why was he here?
How did he even appear?
Before Dipper could register what was happening the man had reached out and grabbed his ankle, ultimately stopping his screaming.
Dipper tried to pry the man off him but to no avail, as he was much stronger. The man suddenly spoke, stopping Dippers attempts.
"Pinetree I need you to do something for me." He gasped out, as he was still trying to catch his breath from the overwhelming pain he felt before.
Dipper didn't answer, he was too shocked at what was happening, and he didn't very much know who Pinetree was.
"Whatever happens, I need you to always be touching me until we get out of this shack. I wasn't supposed to get in here so the barriers magic is affecting me, we just need to lea-" Dipper cut him off before he could continue.
"Wh-what do you mean leave? I-I don't even know wh-who you are o-or why you're here!" Dipper half yelled, although he almost regretted it when he saw the hurt in the older boys eyes. He didn't know him, but he didn't like hurting people.
"Pinetree, look, I know we fought but you don't need to pretend you don't know me." He said, a little desperately, it wasn't like Dipper to do this.
Did he really somehow not know him?
Was his Pinetree... not his Pinetree?
He stood up slowly, grabbing on to Dippers hand.
"A-are you the one who owns the yellow hoodie?" Dipper shyly asked, pointing to the neatly folded hoodie on his desk, a little flustered from the sudden action of an attractive guy holding his hand.
Bill looked at the hoodie, before looking down at the charm, to their hands, and finally in Dippers eyes, almost pleading with him silently to stop what he was hoping was a joke.
"Do-" He choked on the word. "Do you really not know who I am?" He asked quietly, voice breaking.
Dipper slowly shook his head, no idea of what was happening.
"I-I'm sorry I don't, but I don't actually remember anything from this last week-"
"Wait what do you mean you don't remember anything?" Bill asked suddenly, cutting him off. Dipper hesitated explaining, as he didn't really know the full story or the blonde that well, but the look he received immediately changed his mind.
"Well, I-I ran away my first night being here, and I apparently got really badly hurt to a point where I almost died. My family found me, a-and gave me this magic plant thing that healed me, but it also made me sleep for about a week so... that's why I don't remember the last week, although I was just asleep so there's really nothing to remember." Dipper concluded, looking down at their hands that he now just realized were intertwined.
The mysterious man wasn't speaking, which worried Dipper.
Did he say something wrong?
"C-can you tell me wh-why I have to hold your hand?" Dipper asked, not wanting to admit that he actually didn't mind it. He looked up, as he was fairly shorter, and saw the look of confusion and anger plastered on the mans face, who was also looking down at their hands.
"Excuse me?" Dipper quietly asked, trying to get the mans attention. It didn't work. He waved his hand in front of his face, still no success in snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.
He stopped to think for a moment, letting everything sink in.
This was Bill, but who is Bill? He's obviously not human, as he appeared out of nowhere in my room. He calls me Pinetree, there's a Pinetree on the necklace, but what does the triangle represent? Him? It is yellow and this guy seems to really like yellow. What does all of this mean? Should I know him? He definitely knows me.
Dipper decided no matter what he would get answers.
Looking at the man again, Bill, he saw him looking right back. When the two made eye contact Dippers breath caught in his throat, both from surprise and from how beautiful Bills blue eyes were, and how right it felt to be looking in them.
Dipper saw fresh tears on Bills face, which held a mix of pain, anger, and mostly sadness.
"Um... can you answer my question?" Dipper whispered nervously, wanting answers. Bill looked at him quietly for another moment, as if taking Dipper in, before answering.
"It's because we're connected by blood." He started, seeing the confusion on Dippers face he decided to explain. "Not that you remember, but that charm has a drop of both of our blood, that's how I got past the barrier, but that doesn't mean it still can't affect me, that's what caused the pain I felt when I first appeared...as long as I'm in physical contact with you, I'll be fine." He stopped again, closing his eyes and looking down, and began talking again. "Pin-Dipper, you weren't asleep for a week, you were with me. When you ran away I found you and we...we got closer, but then we fought and you left and I couldn't get to you because of the barrier around this shack. I don't know what happened and why you can't remember any of that or me, but we're going to fix it." He concluded, opening his eyes and looking back at Dipper, who seemed more confused than ever.
Dipper laughed, it was quiet at first but then grew a little louder, although it wasn't out of humor, it was out of disbelief.
"Look uh, Bill? I'm pretty sure you have the wrong guy. There's no way I was with you for a week and have no recollection of it whatsoever, and even if I was, why would my family hide you from me? Are you... evil or something?" Dipper almost regretted adding that last part, because it seems the answer wasn't what he expected.
Dipper slightly moved his hand, wanting to let go but knowing it would cause Bill pain, so he just kept his hand there limp.
"I...I was bad, years and years ago and- wait, do you know how we met?" Bill suddenly asked, interrupting his own sentence.
"Um, right now?" Dipper asked, confused as to why that piece of information was important.
"...Pinetree we met when you were 12, do you not remember that either?" It seemed like the more Bill talked the more confused Dipper became.
"N-no, i-if we met back then I-I would've remembered, I-I've never even seen you before now."
"What do you remember of that summer?" Bill asked, wheels beginning to turn in his brain.
"I-I remember finding a journal, a-and my sister and I chasing the paranormal. We encountered a lot and discovered a lot, l-like that we had a second uncle, Stanford Pines, he was stuck in another dimension and was obsessed with stopping-" Dipper didn't continue, because he didn't know, or remember, what his Grunkle wanted so badly to stop.
"He-he wanted to defeat, um... I-I don't know what, I-I don't think he ever told me." Dipper tried and tried but simply couldn't remember what it was, or maybe who it was?
"Pinetree do you remember something called Weirdmageddon?" Bill asked, confirming a theory. Dipper lit up at the mention of something he actually could recall.
"Y-yeah I do! I-I remember thinking the world was going to end, b-but we never knew w-who started it, h-how did it end?" He asked, but mostly to himself, as the last part of that event he remembers is being locked in a triangular cage with his sister, and then being in the woods, and his grunkle had lost his memory.
"Your family erased me Pinetree, they used Six- Ford's memory gun to do it, its how you guys defeated me. And I know it sounds unlikely but I think they did the same thing to you." Dipper almost laughed at the accusation before he really thought about it. The missing part of the equation that would make everything make sense. Bill created weirdmageddon, Ford was obsessed with him, but why did he have his jacket? Why were they, of all people, connected?
"Pinetree, look, I know it looks like I'm a bad guy but I'm not anymore, yes I created the end of the world, or tried to at least, but that version of me is gone now." Bill grabbed Dippers other hand so he was holding both. "I don't know if you trust me, but please believe me, and please help me help you." He pleaded, and Dipper didn't know what it was, but he felt he could trust Bill, he felt almost safe with him, it felt right. Dipper felt like they had more of a connection than just enemies from 5 years ago, something more recent and more real.
Dipper nodded his head agreeing, before looking down at their hands again.
"What do we need to do?" He asked, which had surprised Bill to say the least, he had expected to have needed to be more convincing, although if his theory was true, Dipper doesn't know much about his past, so he'd be willing to trust him easily.
"W-we need the memory gun, and the container with your memories so we can watch them. Do you know where that is? Normally I'd be able to restore your memories but I can't use my magic with the barrier up."
Dipper hesitated, the gun was in the lab, but he wasn't allowed down there. Ignoring that thought though, he nodded and began walking with Bill towards the lab.

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