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Dippers pov

I don't remember my bed in the mystery shack being this uncomfortable, I swear the last few days its felt way better than this.
Or... what even happened these last few days?
I remember getting here and then... Oh shit I ran away!

I opened my eyes to see I was still in the Mystery Shack.
How did I get back here?
Did I pass out and someone found me?
Did my family come looking for me?
Why cant I remember these last few days?

"Bro-bro! You're finally awake!" I heard Mabels, for some reason nice, voice say to me before she jumped on my bed, embracing me in a hug,
"Um... yeah. What do you mean finally? How long was I asleep?"
"Almost a week silly! We found you in the woods and you were hurt pretty badly, so Grunkle Ford gave you this plant thingy that would heal you but it made you sleep for a really long time, so that's probably why you don't remember anything."
That... makes sense?
Honestly nothing does right now.
"Oh, ok? Can I ask why you're being so nice to me though? I-I thought you hated me." Wait.
Why did she hate me?
I remember our parents died, and they were getting my... anxiety meds?
Since when do I have anxiety??
Where did that come from?
"That was all a misunderstanding Dipping Sauce! It wasn't your fault at all!" She said, kind of forced in my opinion, although that might have been in my head since why would she say something she didn't mean?
Mabel hugged me again before helping me up.
"Come on lets go eat breakfast with the Grunkles, Stan made Stan-cakes!" I was getting up when it hit me.
"Mabel, I didn't say anything about not remembering the last week, so how did you know I didn't?" She froze,
was there something I didn't know?
"Uh- you just looked confused, and it's also a twin thing. Plus Grunkle Ford said you wouldn't remember anything since you were asleep the whole time obviously! So many questions bro-bro jeez!" That was a lot of excuses for one question. Maybe I'll ask the Grunkles,
or would they give me the same response?
What are they hiding?
"Oh ok..." I said trying to be cool. "To the Stan-cakes then!" She smiled at that and led me downstairs. I have to admit it seems like they're hiding something,
but what could they be hiding?
Did something happen while I was asleep?
"Dipper my boy! You're awake! Here here sit down, Stanley is almost done with the pancakes." Grunkle Ford greeted me, which was weird since he's usually always in the basement working.
"Mornin' kid!" Said Grunkle Stan.
"Um, morning guys." Okay this is weird, first they all hate me, I apparently sleep for a week and now they're all nice?
Maybe I should just ask.
"So... what happened while I was asleep?" The 3 froze for a moment, as if looking for an answer, but if they were giving me the real answer they wouldn't need to think about it right? They were hesitant, I wasn't sure which one was going to answer first but I decided whatever they were going to say would be a lie.
"Not much, tourist season is starting up so you know Stanley has been busy, and there hasn't really been any new paranormal sightings. Oh and Mabel here made friends with the Northwest girl, what is it? Paisley?" Mabel smiled at the mention of her.
"Pacifica actually, and yeah we've become best friends since we got here, I never knew her being poor now could change her so much. She's so funny now, and sweet and we have a lot in common and-" Grunkle Stan but her off.
"That's enough pumpkin, we don't need to hear again how great Pacifica is." Mabel blushed and looked down at the pancakes placed in front of her, I think she might like her.

After we all finished up our pancakes and put away our dishes, Stan went to open the gift shop.
"Do you need help Grunkle Stan?" I asked, since I don't actually remember working there yet since I've gotten here, and it was actually pretty fun last time.
"No thanks, you and Mabel don't have to work here anymore, Soos has managed to get a few new employees as the new Mr. Mystery. How about you go read a book or something, Mabel might be gone today."
"Well maybe I'll just take a book into the forest or something-"
"NO don't!" He screamed, before realizing it and gaining back his composure, speaking again. "I just mean, Ford says that you shouldn't leave the house for a while, just another side affect from the plant he gave you."
"How does me going outside count as a side affect?"
"Uh w-well you see-"
"Direct sunlight won't be good for you for at least a week. The plant itself misses the properties that actually allows plants to benefit from sunlight, the one we gave you, which honestly shouldn't be considered a plant at all, cannot function in sunlight, in fact it would be very very bad if it ever was in sunlight. And since we had you ingest it we need to wait for it to leave your system before you can leave the shack again." Said Grunkle Ford as he had interrupted Stan. (Boom bitches, SCIENCE!)
Grunkle Stan sighed in relief, since he probably didn't know the answer to my question. Something is going on here but no one is telling me.
"Ok I'll just read in my room then..." I headed for upstairs before anyone could say anything else, when I heard someone running up behind me.
"Bro-bro wanna hang out?" Asked Mabel, which was surprising.
"Sure I guess, I was just going to read." We both headed for my room, her sitting on her old empty bed and me on mine. It was silent before I spoke.
"Why'd you want to hang out? Dont you want to be with your friends?" She looked up a little nervously, why was she nervous?
"Well actually there's something I wanna tell you..." She started playing with the sleeves of her sweater and bit her lip anxiously.
"You can tell me anything you know?" I reassured her, was she going to tell me what the heck was going on?
"Well remember this morning when I was talking about Pacifica?" She quietly asked.
"Yeah..." I replied confusingly.
"Well...IMayOrMayNotHaveASmallCrushOnHerAndIThinkSheLikesMeTooAndIWannaAskHerButImScaredSoIWasWonderingIfYouCouldHelpMe." Well I'm glad to know that even after all this time I still speak nervous Mabel, even though she talks really fast.
"Yeah sure, but couldn't Candy and Grenada help with this?" She seemed less nervous.
"They don't know, I'm afraid they won't accept it since they don't really like her, plus I figured you of all people could help me since you're gay so-"
"HOW DO YOU IM GAY?!" I screamed, very much regretting it and hoping Stan and Ford didn't hear.
"Come on Dipper it's so obvious, now back to the point."

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