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Bills pov

My cabin is so boringggg, so this morning I decided I'd take a walk into the woods, perfectly fine right? WRONG!
I may or may not have gotten distracted by a frog and I may or may not have followed it around until I realized that I had I idea where I was, and that was this morning! It's dark now, I mean sure I could teleport but I have no idea how far I am from my house, I can only teleport a certain distance, stupid lack of powers. And if I try, who knows where I'll end up...
As I continued walking in the direction I was hoping was my house, I heard something not too far behind me, were those footsteps? Sounds like someone's running. Just as I turned around I was shoved to the ground and someone fell on top of me, their aura felt... familiar, I looked up and saw none other than *gasp* PINETREE?!
What's he doing out here?
And why so late? Oh no, is his family with him! No no no they can't know I'm here, I was just almost kinda sorta starting to like being here!
I got pulled out of my thoughts by a sniffle, was he crying?
"Are you okay kid?" He seemed to have just registered what had happened and the position we were in.
"Shit" he quickly got up only to trip and fall again, just this time next to me.
"I-I'm s-so s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to ru-run into you..." he started to tear up again, I could see his still wet cheeks from the last tears.
"Hey, it's fine, it was an accident" I tried to comfort him as best I could. What happened that got him like this?
"Are you okay though?"
He seemed surprised when I touched his cheek, trying to get rid of the tears. I hate seeing him like this, maybe I could help him...
"Y-ya... I'm fine, sorry again." He seemed more relaxed now, calm. He smiled at me as I removed my hand, but I could still see in his eyes that whatever was bothering him was still on his mind.
"If you don't mind me asking..." I decided to break the silence "Why are you out here so late? And by yourself? Not to mention you're crying." He looked at me strangely for a minute before answering.
"Well um, funny story, also kinda long and you probably have to get home so I won't bother you any longer..." Did he really think he was bothering me?
"You're not bothering me at all, and I'm kinda lost right now, trying to find my cabin. Wanna help? You can tell me your story while we look."
He looked shocked and I didn't know why, so I decided to read his thoughts. I know I shouldn't but I just want to see what he thinks of all this-
He... actually wants to keep me around, he actually still wants to be near me? I'm a crying mess of a teenage boy who came out of nowhere and quite literally ran into him. Who is he?-
Why does Pinetree think those things of himself? As a mere 12 year old he was already better than most other meat sacks, intelligence wise and personality wise.
What happened while I was gone? And wait, he doesn't know it's me?
Bill Cipher? Well that hurts, I'd at least think he'd remember who tormented him all summer, I know I'm not a flying dorito anymore but I made my form look like the human equivalent of that.
I had blonde, almost yellow hair, eyes as blue as the fire I once produced for deals (I miss those days), although my skin isn't yellow, it is fairly tan from always being outside, I was about 6'1 and pretty muscular, but not enough to really see if you weren't by me. I also had a black triangular eyepatch over my left eye, even though I could see perfectly fine I wanted to stay close to my old form.
I had on yellow Converse, black skinny jeans and a yellow pullover with my old eye on it, did he really not recognize me?
Pinetree spoke "O-ok sure, you're not going to murder me or anything when we find it right?" He chuckled nervously. I just laughed as we both stood up
"Of course not kid, where's the fun in killing a stranger?" He laughed, this time more relaxed, as we started walking in a random direction I asked him again why he was out here. His face changed completely, he looked down at his shoes and it looked like more tears were going to come, and from the sound of his voice I was probably right.
"W-well, my sister and I had just arrived here from California to live with our great uncles, b-but you see, well, I have really bad anxiety..." he mumbled the last part quietly but I still heard it, makes sense, he always was a paranoid kid.
"Go on" He looked up at me before continuing.
"Well, when we got here this afternoon Mabel had told them this, since they didn't know, and because she probably wanted them to hate me as much as she does... but anyways, they both looked at me with shock and almost hate and I had gotten scared that the only family I had left was going to hate me too. So I had gotten really panicked and eventually passed out... When I woke up though, I went downstairs and heard them talking about me, basically just saying how worthless I am and how they didn't love me, and when they figured out I had heard I ran out of the house and well, right into you..."
Whoa, I had no idea they felt like that about him, they were all always so tight, so together, a family. And Mabel hates Dipper?
What's that about?
I don't know why but I had the urge to hug him, like he just needed some comfort after that. I just couldn't hold it back as my arms snaked around his waist and I pulled him into a tight embrace. He was shocked at first but eventually hugged me back, tears coming out of his eyes. I don't ever want him to be sad again
"Y-you, you don't hate me? You don't think I'm a freak? A screw up?" Please stop saying these things about yourself.
"Pinetree, you're perfect, you always have been." He stiffened, and I realized my mistake, Pinetree.
He looked right up at me before mouthing my name and turning and running off in the opposite direction. SHIT, I didn't mean to blow my cover so soon, and it's dangerous out here for him! Fuck which way did he go again? Straight? I can barely sense him but I think he went straight. I start running after him.
Pinetree please be ok...

Another chapter done!! It's surprising how much I can get done when I neglect all my school work! Anyways thx for reading if you still are I'm actually rly excited for this like its fun writing.

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