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Days had passed, Bill and Dipper had spent all their time together, mostly because Bill wouldn't let Dipper out of his sight. Dipper couldn't deny it, he didn't not like the possessiveness Bill would show, but it had gotten out of hand, he couldn't even go to the bathroom without Bill worrying one of the Pine's would come in through the window and take him.
But Dipper couldn't blame him- his family, or at least his Grunkles, were out to kill Bill, and even though the thought completely terrified him, at least he didn't stand in front of the door when Bill was in the bathroom and give him a time limit.
At the moment, the boys were cuddling on the couch, as they had just eaten dinner and decided to watch a movie, one that made Bill fall asleep 20 minutes in.

Sitting on the couch with Bill laying partially on top of him, but enough to keep him trapped in the hold, Dipper continued watching the movie, as he couldn't very much move if he wanted to, which he very badly did want. Not only were his legs half asleep, but if he could escape and keep Bill asleep he could finally get some alone time, and besides the movie wasn't very interesting.
After multiple attempts to get up and out of Bill's hold, Dipper began contemplating partially waking Bill up and moving him. Dipper ultimately decided against it, he knew Bill wasn't sleeping as much as he said he was, he could tell from his attitude, the all too familiar eye bags and tiredness, and the fact that he always fell asleep before Bill and woke up after him, which never used to happen.
Bill really had been stressed out and scared, he didn't want to lose Dipper or get him or himself hurt, the very thought of waking up without Dipper or opening a door to not see him there not only kept Bill up at night but made him as paranoid as he had made Ford, not that neither knew that.
Finally, Dipper had removed Bill's iron grip on his waist, which caused Bill to slightly turn giving Dipper the chance to place a pillow in his spot in case Bill turned back around. Standing up, Dipper turned off the tv and wrapped a blanket around his demon before heading towards their room, not really sure what to do at this point seeing as it was only 5:50pm and Bill was, thankfully, still asleep.
Looking at the small bookshelf in their room, Dipper noticed that he had already read all of them, some even twice. The two were supposed to go buy more, but both were still a little paranoid from their last outing and had decided to put it off. Of course, Dipper regrets this now as his only options are to go to sleep or turn on another boring movie.

Flopping onto the bed, Dipper stared up at the ceiling in thought, he really did have nothing to do.
After a few moments he turned on his side, catching sight of his phone sitting innocently on the nightstand. Picking it up and turning it on, Dipper stared at his home screen, a picture of him and Mabel, since he never had the heart to delete a picture with such a nice memory behind it; The two had spent the whole day together driving to a mostly abandoned town near Piedmont looking for anything mysterious, of course it wasn't as good of a mystery as it would have been in Gravity Falls, but the two still had an amazing time. The picture itself was the two twins in front of a giant pinetree, Mabel thought it would be ironic, and Dipper had his arm around his sister, who was making a funny face at the camera as Dipper just smiled sheepishly.
Dipper felt a slight smile form on his lips as he continued to stare at the picture, he had given Mabel a lot of thought the past few days, and he missed her. Dipper still wasn't sure he completely forgave her, she made him feel unloved and unwanted, she took Bill away from him. But she also let them leave, and from the lack of communication from his Grunkles he can hopefully say she didn't give away any information that could lead Ford to them, not that she knew where they were anyways. Dipper had missed the relationship the two once had, he knew it would take a while to mend but... why not start?
Just as that thought popped into his mind he felt the phone in his hand vibrate and, looking down, saw he was getting a call from Mabel herself.

It took her at least an hour to get the courage to even think about making that call, but when she snuck down into Fords lab and saw yet another weapon and hundreds of notes on how to defeat Bill, she knew right away her suspicions from the last few days had been right, and that she needed to warn Dipper.

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