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Billy boys pov

Pinetree forgives me! He actually forgives me! I can't believe it, I mean I knew I had to apologize but I never thought he would accept it! I'm glad he did, he was always the most interesting of all the Pines, and besides old Sixer he was the smartest.
I can't believe his family treated him like that when he didn't do anything wrong. And that bitch Shooting Star! I knew she was dumb but to push her brother away like that and say all those things. How COULD SHE?!
Calm down Bill, calm down... she's not here, Pinetree is.
Oh Pinetree, I'll make everything better for you I promise.
These feelings are strange, it's like I want to protect him, help him. But I'm a demon, I should never want to help anybody!
But Pinetree, he's different than anybody I've ever known, and that's basically everyone since the beginning of time. There was something that happened to my stomach when we looked at each other, like there were little creatures in there
But why would there be creatures in my stomach? I don't think I ate any, and my heart started beating faster, I didn't know hearts could change their beats for anything more than when you're scared.
Was I scared? No, I wasn't scared, I was happy, happy to see Pinetree again, to help him.
Ugh Pinetree quit making my body do these weird things!
And feelings, what are these feelings? It's like from when he was 12 but it's more than that, like more than just me taking an interest in him... STOP IT YOU STUPID THOUGHTS! YOU DON'T FEEL ANYTHING!
Maybe I should just ask him what this is, maybe it's not what I think and I'm just sick or something.
As I opened the door to his- well, my room I saw he was asleep, damn. I started to turn and close the door when I heard a quiet no.
So he's awake? I looked back and he was slightly moving and his eyes were closed but I could see a fearful expression on his face.
A nightmare?
"Please! I'm sorry!" Sorry? What's he dreaming about? Maybe I should check.
I moved some hair away from his forehead and touched it, the next thing I knew I was in his dreamscape.

In dippers dream

Good to know I had enough energy for this, now where's Pinetree?
"Grunkle Ford please stop!" Well that answers one question, but what's happening? I looked over to see Ford with one of his weird demon guns he built, weird. If he was going to shoot Pinetree wouldn't he use a normal one?
"No Mason! It's time to kill that thing once and for all! I can't believe you're so stupid you actually believed that he changed! Or that he could ever care for a freak like you! No one cares about you!"
What's happening?
Is Ford talking about me?
"No! Grunkle Ford please! He did change! He doesn't deserve to die, he's just trying to get his second chance!" Ford slapped Pinetree, Ford SLAPPED MY PINETREE!
Oh how I want to kill him right now, for everything he and the rest of those Pines are doing to my Pinetree. No! No... don't do that Bill, just calm down... what's happening now?
"Listen to yourself Mason! You're supposed to be the smart one! Why couldn't you just be normal?! More like your lovely sister Mabel!" Lovely my ass. As soon as he said that the scene changed, it was like a slideshow of Pinetree's memories, and he was in the middle of them all, only able to watch. It looked like memories from when he and Shooting Star were still close, but almost twisted, like they were made to only show how useless he is, but he's not useless, these aren't his real memories.
Maybe it's just how he sees himself?
How could he see anything less than the amazing person he is?
The memories then changed, they weren't his memories but they were like what he expected to happen. The next thing shown to him was me.
"Ha! Wow kid, I can't believe you fell for it! That dumb apology? I'm pretty sure I've given it to at least a million other people over the years. But out of all of them you were the easiest to manipulate, guess that's what happens when no one loves you and your only option is a dream demon. HAHAHAHAHAHA" I would never do that to Pinetree... I need to wake him up, now.

Back in real life

I left his dream and saw tears coming out of his eyes, he has to wake up.
"Pinetree, Pinetree! Wake up Pinetree please! It's just a nightmare wake up!" It wasn't working, he must be too deep in sleep. Ugh, forgive me Pinetree. I conjured up some water and threw it in his face, I really don't want to slap him. Good thing the water worked though because he bolted right up screaming no.
At least he's awake?
"Pinetree, are you ok?" He looked shocked that I was in there, but that shock soon turned to anger.
"You! You're just, just manipulating me! And I fucking fell for it. God could I be so stupid? I should've known all of that was fake!" He tried to get up, keyword tried. His leg wouldn't really let him move and I grabbed his arm before he could fully get up.
"Pinetree it was just a bad dream, I'd never ever do that to you, that's why I woke you up. I didn't want you to think that." Please believe me Pinetree.
"Ha! Right, you expect me to believe your apology you- you demon! I know you're just trying to get in my head, you just want to use me, and then leave like everyone else once you realize I have nothing else left to give!" I let go of his arm, I underestimated how much pain this kid is in.
"Pinetree...I know what I did in the past was fucking terrible, but please believe me when I say that I would never hurt you like that again, hell i'm not even allowed to! Not only were my powers limited but they were restricted too, I can't do anything evil with them ever again. Not that I want to anyways, especially to you, I care about you Pinetree and I don't know how or why it just happened, you make me get creatures in my stomach! And your nightmare was terrible, you should know that those memories were messed with, made to look how you feel now, useless. But you're not useless Pinetree, you're the smartest person I know, and I want you to believe that, so if you'll let me, I want to prove to you that you're special. I also want to show you that I've changed, I want us to start over." He was looking down at his hands the entire time but when he looked at me, he really looked at me, we were making (in my opinion) really ínstense eye contact and the creatures came back to me.
My face started getting really hot I think it might've been red, and I could see his was too. He looked as if he was debating on whether or not he should believe me. He finally spoke-
"Bill, I... I don't think you want to start over with someone like me. You don't know everything and when you do you're not going to want to have anything to do with me... so just, save us both the trouble and get rid of me now." He sounded as hurt as I felt, probably more. I just got him, I don't want to "get rid of him", I want to keep him forever. Damn what is that feeling? It's weird.
"Pinetree... if anything the more I learn about you the more I want to never let you go." He looked at me shocked again, not surprising, I mean I didn't expect myself to say that either, out loud at least.
"Yo-you, you don't know what you're talking about." He looked away from me as he said that. I gently grabbed his chin and made him face me again.
"I know everything about everything, Pinetree, remember? All Seeing Eye. And I know that there's nothing you can ever say that would ever make me want to leave you, and I hope you don't leave me either." I could see he was on the verge of tears again. I let go of his chin but he still kept his eyes locked with mine, he hesitated before speaking again.
"If you're not trying to manipulate me, why out of everyone would you choose me, not just to make amends with but..." I knew what he meant, he's talking about the weird feelings, the creatures I said were in my stomach, the fact that I basically admitted I had what humans call "feelings" for him. He kept looking at me, waiting for an answer that I didn't know how to give. I mean sure I could say it's because of the person he is,
I could probably go on forever about how there's no one who could compare to him,
how he's the only meat sack I ever really thought of in this way,
or the only meat sack I've thought of in general since I got this body,
but I don't know how to say it, I don't know how to make him know how important he is. I don't know what came over me, but I needed to do it.
I kissed him.

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