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No ones pov

As the two passed the entrance sign into Gravity Falls, the tension had grown exponentially. Stan had voiced his regrets about the whole 'killing Bill' thing almost as soon as they got the alert that the demon was near the Mystery Shack, to which Ford accused him of being "possessed" or controlled by Bill to say that.
Over the past few days, the brothers had some trouble finding the parts Ford needed to complete the weapon, which only made him more stressed, which led to his lack of sleep which of course: made him paranoid and suspicious over anything that moved within 3 feet of him. So when Stan had said he felt that after watching Dippers memories he thought they should just let the two kids be, Ford had gone completely mad. Stanley had wanted to throw away the whole mission, give up their nephew to an all powerful dream demon who he had been after for years, how could he just let that happen? As if Dipper wasn't just faking all of it for his safety. Ford knew Dipper didn't really love Bill, he just needed to act like he did until he escaped, so really erasing his memory was the best thing they could have ever done for Dipper, they saved him.

"We're a few minutes out." Mumbled Stan, not taking his eyes off the road as he didn't need to see his brothers glare for the 6th time that care ride.
Ford hummed in response, indicating he heard but still not ready to talk, as they hadn't up until that moment.

The rest of the car ride, as expected, was spent in silence, although it was only a 10 minute drive from the bus stop.
Every minute that passed Ford seemed to have gotten more and more restless, for he had no idea what they would find when they reached the shack. What if Mabel wasn't home when the magic was detected?
What if Dipper noticed a strange blonde man outside and went to check it out?
What if Bill magically gave him his memories back and they left?
Could they be plotting their revenge right this second?
Just before his thoughts got completely out of hand he felt himself jerk forward as the car stopped. Looking up, he saw the faded sign of the Mystery Shack and without missing a beat, booked it out of the car and into the house, nearly falling forward with the amount of force he put on opening the door.

Looking around, he saw a seemingly sad Mabel sitting on the couch, ice cream tub in hand and... the Northwest girl? She seemed to have been comforting Mabel, who seemed frozen staring straight ahead at the blank tv.
At the sound of the door being shoved both girls looked up, seeing a distressed looking Ford and an annoyed Stanley walking in after him.
At the sight of her Grunkles Mabels saddened look quickly turned angry. Pacifica noticed this and, giving a quick goodbye kiss and whispering a good luck, awkwardly walked past the two males and out the door.
As soon as she left Ford spoke, panic and frustration clear in his voice.
"Where's Dipper?" He immediately asked, frantically looking around before his eyes once again landed on Mabel, who had a fearful expression, before quickly gaining her composure, expression hardening.
"He's gone grunkle Ford." She said confidently, although clearly nervous.
"What do you mean he's gone?" He asked, voice slightly rising.
She took a deep breath, not breaking eye contact.
"Bill came for him. They found his memories and watched them, then left." Ford didn't answer, he only looked at Mabel, eyes wide as he processed everything she said.
"Y-you're never going to find them." She added, scared of the silence and the stare Ford was giving her. "T-they love each other Grunkle Ford, Bill doesn't want to hurt us, if he did I wouldn't be here. We s-should just leave them be, Dipper is happy there-" Ford quickly cut her off.
"Happy?! There's no way he's happy with that demon! He's possessed, Bill is controlling him and you just let them escape! Now we'll never find them!" He turned away from Mabel, heading towards the lab, not wanting to see his traitors of a family.
"Don't act like you're doing this for Dipper! All you've ever wanted is to destroy Bill! But we don't need to anymore, he's good now. Dipper changed him." Mabel replied, doing her best to keep calm although she was just as mad that they had let everything go so far.
"Of course I want him dead!" He yelled back, making Mabel flinch. "He deserves to die! He's a demon, he can't love, he never has and never will! He just wants to get to us!"
"If that was true he would have when he was in here!" Mabel yelled, immediately regretting it. Ford turned to her, wide eyed.
"Bill was in the shack?" He asked warily, looking around as if he'd find some trap.
"Y-yes, and all he did was look for the memories to help Dipper, he just wanted him bac-"
"He was in my lab?!" Ford yelled, once again cutting Mabel off and immediately running to the vending machine.
"I destroyed the gun! You'll never get to them!" She yelled to him. He stopped in his tracks, anger rising fast, he turned around to Mabel, before turning back around towards the lab, it's not like he had all the parts anyways, and the gun was the least of his worries.

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