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Bills pov

It's pretty obvious now that the Pines know I'm alive, I saw them when I was hugging Pinetree in the forest. They make everything more confusing and difficult for me! Like when Pinetree wanted too teleport home instead of walk, I knew its what he needed and I knew it would mean the Pines couldn't follow us, but it also means they now officially know of my existence.
What if they try to take my Pinetree away from me?
I looked down at his sleeping form in my arms, he looked so peaceful right now.
I won't let them take him, they just can't. And besides they don't even know where we are, we're safe. Sure Pinetree might be going back to them next week, but he has my charm, he can just summon me at any time and I'll be there right next to him because like I said; not even Sixer's stupid barrier can stop it.
I decided it's best not to worry about it until the time comes and until then, work on getting Pinetree to stay with me.
Come on, you can't expect me to not try and keep him from leaving. He is mine after all.

Time skip to morning

Pinetree woke up first, I know because he was messing with my hair, which woke me up. Pinetree didn't seem to notice I was awake though, so I decided to use it as a chance to scare him. I may not be evil anymore but I still know how to have fun.
I waited a few more minutes to make sure he was really distracted, and also his hand felt nice in my hair...
When I was absolutely certain he wouldn't expect it I yelled.
"GOOD MORNING PINETREE!" Pinetree immediately jumped up and fell off the bed and as a result, detaching his fingers from my hair and screaming.
He groaned from the floor and I couldn't help but crack up.
"Dammit Bill!! Don't do that!" He half yelled, 2% of amusement and 98% annoyance and anger, which only made me to laugh harder, resulting in me to also fall off the bed, still laughing.
Dipper turned away from me to hide the smile gracing his lips, not that he did a good job at hiding it.
My laughter had died down a little and I crawled over to him laying my head in his lap while hugging his waist. He chuckled lightly before once again tangling his hands in my hair.
"You're an idiot Bill." He mumbled, smile clear in his voice.
"That's true, but you love this idiot." I replied back.
"That I do." He sighed. We sat there for a few more minutes before we both silently decided to get up, after all the floor was extremely uncomfortable.
I looked around for the time, only to remember that I didn't have a clock in my room, so I instead checked Pinetree's phone to not only see the time, but a text from Shooting Star as well. Strange...
"Hey Bill whats the time?" Pinetree asked looking at me.
"Um i-it's like 8:30. But you uh, you got a text from your sister." He looked wide eyed at me before grabbing the phone and reading the text, I'm not sure what it said but I guess it wasn't good since instead of  responding he put the phone down.
"I'm going to go shower, I'll meet you in the kitchen for breakfast." He mumbled. What was on that text?
"Want me to join you?" I asked, smirk on my face hoping to cheer him up, and maybe get a shower with Pinetree while I'm at it.
He smiled sadly and shook his head, heading for the bathroom. I have to read that text, Pinetree didn't even roll his eyes at my comment! He always does...
As soon as he left the room I reached for his phone and opened it to Shooting Stars contact.

Hey bro-bro! I know I'm going to see u in a few days but I thought we could still talk while ur gone!  I'm rly rly sry for saying all those things to u, u know I was just joking right? I would never be that cruel to my favorite bro-bro! Anywayz come home asap we need to catch up! Maybe introduce me to that guy Will he was SUPER HOT!🥵❤️🔥

She's kidding right? Like Pinetree would fall for any of that bullshit, I know she saw us act more intimate than friends do, she's silently attacking Pinetree and covering it up with nice words!  No wonder Pinetree didn't respond, not only is it a fake apology but it's half-assed as well.
But why were the Pines trying so hard to get him to come home?
We're they planning something?
Should I even let him leave?!
I looked down at the message in disgust before turning off his phone and sitting on the bed. I sighed as I put my head in my hands, I'm so fucking stressed about this, and it's days away! I don't know, maybe they do just want Pinetree to go back home and thats how all meat stack apologies look. I've probably just been apologizing wrong this whole time.
"Bill?" I heard a quiet voice in front of me ask. I looked up to see Pinetree half naked, with only a towel around his waist.  I blushed slightly before looking away.
"Hey Pinetree, looking good..." I tried to smirk but it only came out as a sheepish smile, he really did look good like that...
This time Pinetree blushed and started to head towards the closet.
"I-I thought you would be in the kitchen..." He mumbled, obviously embarrassed being seen like that.
"oh right! Sorry I was just... thinking, I guess I lost track of time. I'll just leave now, how does oatmeal sound?" He poked his head out of the closet and nodded before getting back to changing, and with that I left.

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