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Dippers pov

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe I just told Bill that I loved him! I mean it's not like that's not true it's just... ugh I'm so stupid! He probably thinks I said it too soon, granted he said it on the first day but he said he's felt like that for years!
With Bill it just feels like I've known him forever. I mean I have but we just got so close so fast and I know I'll be able to tell him anything in the future and he won't judge me... but there's always that part of me that screams at me not to trust him, not to trust anyone, especially with opening myself up. When they know everything I just feel like they'll see all the bad parts of me instead of the good parts, like it's all that they'll focus on until eventually they get tired of looking at it and leave me.
Everyone leaves me
The Grunkles
My parents

Bill. Bill will eventually leave me, it's only a matter of time. He'll see how broken I am and he won't want to deal with it... with me...


Maybe I should save us both the trouble and end it now. I won't get hurt and he won't have to deal with me...


But... if he leaves now I'll still be hurt, I don't want him to ever leave. There's no way this can end with me being happy...


If he leaves now I'll be alone and heartbroken...
But if he leaves later on I'll completely shatter...

"Dipper are you even listening to me?!" Was that Grunkle Stan?
"Wh-what?" I looked up to see my Grunkle Stan and Ford trying to get my attention. But they looked blurry, was I crying?
"Jeez kid finally, you've been crying and spacing out for at least 3 minutes, we started to get worried..." I was?

They're lying, they don't care about me at all. I'm just an inconvenience.

"S-sorry I was just... thinking..." I lowered my head to look at my sleeves. I could feel the tears slowly streaming down my face.

Don't say too much Dipper, don't be more of a bother.

I put my hands in my pocket to feel the necklace Bill gave me. It's like a comfort charm.
There was an awkward silence until it was broken by the sound of laughing from outside the shack.


Before I knew it the door had opened and I saw her waving goodbye to her friends before turning around to face me. Her smile instantly dropped seeing me and turned into a face of anger.

Oh no

"Where the fuck were you last night Dipshit?!" Sh-she cared where I was?

She's lying

"I had to spend my night calling everyone to find you! Do you know how annoying that was? Like we actually wanted you back!" She doesn't care. She only thinks of herself.
"Mabel sweetie that's not true, of course we want your brother here." Ford talked in a calm tone, I don't know if it was for Mabel or for me.

For Mabel, always for Mabel.

"This freak is not my brother! He's a screwup and he's the reason my parents are gone!" She just kept screaming.
"And guess what Dipshit" she looked at me with such hate in her eyes, hate I've only seen her use for the people that used to hurt me.

Now she's the one hurting me.

"My Grunkles agree with me..." they do?
"It's all. Your. Fault. Why did you even come back? You're in new clothes that don't even seem to be yours. You're not malnourished. You should've just stayed where you were and left us alone for good." With that she turned and headed towards her room, but not without yelling one more thing before closing her door.
"Unless that guy I saw walking away from here just couldn't stand you either! Haha! You're such a loser!" She slammed her door and I could still hear her laughing.

Mabels pov

Stupid dipper. How could he just leave like that? Make me do all the work of "trying" to find him.

He could've died...

I don't care. I don't. He deserves it anyways...

You don't believe that...

Yes I do. He's not my brother anymore. I'm done wasting my time on him, he's not worth it anyways. What has he ever done for me? Nothing but screw up that's what!

The sock opera
Mabel land
Breaking up with Gideon


The mystery twins for life. Right?

Dipshit is a screw up. Even if he helped me then I don't need it now...

Back to Dippers pov

I turned to the Grunkles. Did they really just stay quiet the entire time? They didn't stop her? They didn't correct her?

They didn't because it's true

Do I even hear them out at this point? They obviously don't want me here...

Bill wants me
He loves me
I love him
Why did I ever even leave? I was happy
For the first time in weeks I was... happy

I knew what I had to do. "I'm going to be staying with Bill for awhile, I just need to pack my things and I'll leave. You won't have to deal with me." The Grunkles looked shocked. Well, Grunkle Ford also looked confused.
I'm not sure why, they want this don't they?
Maybe they're shocked from the tone of my voice, I don't sound sad. I'm not sad, I'm happy. I know what I want- I want to be with Bill. And I love my family, but I want them to be happy and how can they be happy if I'm around? Everyone wins!
I started up the stairs to gather my things. I was about to contact Bill when-
"I thought he said his name was Will."


Don't hate my I know it's super short I just wanted to publish something. Next chapter will be longer.

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