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Dippers pov

"Pinetree" he said p-pinetree. No one but Bill calls me that, and I didn't have my hat so he couldn't have just made it up. Oh my God, Bill's here, he's human! I got close to him! He touched my face! WE HUGGED!
How is he here?
Why would I get so close to him? I'm such an idiot! I should've known from the beginning, anyone else would've!
"Pinetree! Where are you! Please I'm not gonna hurt you I swear but you can't stay out here!" Oh no, he's close, damn my stupid noodle legs. I have to hide, running isn't working but I'm pretty small, maybe I can find somewhere.
Just then I heard a growl- a low, hungry growl obviously belonging to a wolf, why didn't I consider that besides being weird Gravity Falls is known for its giant population of wolves?! I heard another growl, slightly higher pitched, of course there's more than one. I can't see anything because of the lack of light and I can't pinpoint where the growls are coming from.  Shit shit shit! I gotta get out of here, first Bill fucking Cipher and now wolves??
I decided to just make a run for it. I know I can't outrun a turtle, let alone wolves, but it's better than standing and doing nothing right? Wrong, oh so wrong, not even 10 seconds after I started running one jumped at me, like it was just waiting for me to move. It scratched my leg up pretty bad, I was bleeding nonstop and I could barely keep myself from falling. Another one came out of the shadows and started slowly stalking towards me, I tried to run but ended up tripping. FUCK, I'm gonna I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna- why aren't I dead? I opened my eyes to see Bill standing in front of me, in a sort of protective stance. I couldn't see his front but whatever he was doing was scaring the wolves, because they all slowly backed away and scurried deeper into the woods. He- he saved me, the Bill Cipher, dream demon of chaos, just saved me. Why?
"Because you were in danger Pinetree" Did I say that out loud? He chuckled lightly, he sounded out of breath.
"No pinetree, I can read your mind, remember? And I'm out of breath because what I did took a lot of energy, I'm not as powerful as I was before." He was breathing pretty heavily.
Oh. "What'd you do?" He hesitated
"...Uh, I'd rather not share that, but what I can say is even though you almost got attacked, you actually ran in the right direction to my house."
Great, not only did I lead him to his house but now I don't even know where the fuck I am.
"We're near the enchanted part of the forest, where Shooting Star stole that unicorn hair once. But I don't think you can walk back to the shack with your legs like that." He started coming closer to me and I attempted to move away but only whimpered in pain and managed a small "Get away from me"
"Pinetree, you can't move, I'm just gonna carry you to my house to fix your leg, and have you rest a little bit, you look like you haven't slept well in a while."
That's true, I've been so stressed about coming here, add that to my nightmares and the fact that my parents just died, you get one sleep deprived teenager.
But wait, no, no I'm not going to let a demon take me to his house where he'll probably torture me and eventually kill me. He just sighed.
"Look Pinetree I'm tired and I wanna go home, and I'm not about to let you die out here so either come with me willingly or I'm just gonna put a sleep spell on you." At least he's not threatening me, sigh, I guess I'm following a demon. He chuckled
"I guess you are Pinetree, now come on, I think we're close enough to where I can teleport without using the rest of my energy."
He picked me up bridal style and closed his eyes, good because I was blushing like mad while I put my arms around his neck so as to not fall. Our faces were really close and he looked even better up close, seriously how could a human dorito look this attractive?!
"Why thank you Pinetree, you're not too bad yourself" Before I could say anything though I felt a light breeze and suddenly we were in the middle of a living room, it matched Bill, mostly black and yellow.
I realized he was still holding me, and I knew I didn't need to ask because he could read my thoughts.
I just looked at him and again, our faces were only inches apart, but this time we were both blushing, wait, why am I even blushing? Hormones, just hormones. He awkwardly coughed to break the silence and set me down on the couch, he left the room for a minute and came back with a first aid kit. A demon owns a first aid kit?
He sat down in front of me and gently grabbed my leg, he started fixing up my leg. We sat in what can only be described as a comfortable silence. But I don't understand, why is he being so nice? This isn't the Bill Cipher I knew 4 years ago.
Oh, but it is really, I know what he's doing, he's trying to get me to trust him, he wants to manipulate me, make me his puppet again and take over the world!
"Wrong." What? Oh crap he can read my mind.
"Get out of my head!" He just rolled his eyes and continued bandaging up my leg. Once he finished he started cleaning up, I just looked at him, looking for any hint to anything bad about to happen.
"How do you know what to do to fix my leg? And why didn't you just use magic?"
"Pain is hilarious, but this body doesn't take it well, so I had to fix it a lot. But healing takes a lot of energy that I don't really have so I learned to fix my wounds the human way." Oh. I didn't say anything else after that.
"Y'know a 'thank you' for saving your life and fixing your leg wouldn't hurt." I just looked away, I don't want to admit it but he did help me, the least I could do is thank him
"...Thanks." I quietly muttered it, embarrassed that it even came out of my mouth. He just looked me over for a second before speaking.
"You can have my bed, I'll sleep here, and tomorrow I can take you to the shack." The shack, oh my god my family! I can't go back there, at least not yet... Fuck! I should've never ran away from them, they probably don't even want me back.
Small tears started escaping from my eyes and I tried to hide it, but it didn't work. It just hurts so much, my own family, two may have died but I lost all of them. I was full on crying at this point, Bill just kept looking at me all sad.
Why the fuck is he sad?
Doesn't he enjoy others' pain?
"Not yours..." he mumbled. What? Before I could respond he trapped me in a hug, a hug!
"Bill let go of me..." I could barely talk over my tears, you couldn't even really understand what I said.
"No." No?
What's happening?
"You need it." Dammit don't tell me what I need.
"Seriously let go of me!" Why am I even here?
How did I get to this moment?
All the memories from the past week just kept flooding back to me, my parents. Mabel. My Grunkles. The sleepless nights full of nightmares and tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I just broke down crying in his arms, how pathetic.
"Shh, you're not pathetic Pinetree, you're amazing, don't ever say that about yourself." I just cried more and eventually stood up to yell at him.
"How? How am I amazing Bill? My own family doesn't even love me! I'm sitting here crying to a goddamn dream demon who almost destroyed me! I'm weak Bill! I'm a loser with nothing but anxiety and a stupid birthmark! I've been bullied nonstop for years for the stupidest shit like being gay or a nerd, and I've never even stood up for myself, Mabel always did, and NOW SHES GONE AND I HAVE NO ONE!" I fell to my knees crying.
Why did I tell him all of that? He just hugged me again, this time tighter. I kept trying to get out of his grip, I kept punching his chest and squirming but he just took every hit silently and held me tighter. I eventually gave up and just cried into his shoulder while he drew shapes on my back and rocked me a little bit, it was actually kind of nice... in a weird twisted way.
Once I calmed down he picked me up, being careful of my leg, and carried me to what I could assume was his room. He set me down on the bed and went to get some clothes for me to wear. I just watched him.
Is he really not planning anything evil?
How long has he been here?
He's been nice to me this whole time so maybe he's just changed?
I guess I'll just ask him once he's done picking out some clothes. He came back in a black shirt with his cipher wheel in all yellow on the front, as well as some boxers, and he was holding a big yellow hoodie and some black sweats, it all looked too big for me but... comfortable. I was too busy spacing out to realize he was taking off my shirt
"Wh-what are you doing?!"
"Relax, I'm just helping you get dressed."
"I can do that fine on my own Bill!"
"Well I tried to give you the clothes and you were just staring at them as if you were in deep thought, so I was just helping. Sorry..."
I looked up at him, did he really just apologize to me?
"Yes Pinetree I did, and..." He took a moment before continuing "I wanna apologize for everything else too...Being trapped in this human form helped me learn a lot about your species and I realized that it wasn't right to try and take over your dimension, or your body. I shouldn't have manipulated you or your family all those times and I'm especially sorry to you because I treated you the worst, but you were such an interesting meat sack, I've been around since the beginning of time and I've never seen a smarter 12 year old than you, I didn't want to get defeated, let alone by an awkward tween boy, so I figured if I broke you the rest would eventually fall. I'm really sorry and I know you probably won't forgive me but I thought you should hear it. And I'm sorry you're going through all that family feelings emotions stuff, it's not your fault your parents died and Shooting Star, Fez, and Sixer are stupid for ever thinking any of those things about you. You're not weak, you defeated a dream demon before high school. You're not a loser and your birthmark isn't stupid, you were literally marked by the stars kid, how amazing is that!?" A small laugh escaped my lips as he grabbed both my hands and continued.
"Pin-Dipper, you're perfect, inside and out and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, you don't need Shooting Star or anyone else to stick up for you because you can do it yourself, you're so much more than you give credit for and that's coming from me. So just, please, quit saying those terrible things about yourself, they're not true, I promise just... please." My brown eyes met his blue and we stayed like that for a while before I muttered a quick okay. He let go of my hands and put the hoodie over my head, shit was I shirtless the entire time?
He then asked if I needed help with my pants because of my leg, I blushed and slowly nodded looking away. He slowly took them off but it still hurt to move my leg, and he helped me slip on the new ones, it was all so soft and comfortable. He put my old ones in a hamper in the corner and tucked me in, he was about to leave before I grasped his arm, he looked at me for a minute before I started talking. I don't know what came over me.
"B-Bill? I, I forgive you, but I'd like to know more about you, like where you were before here, and how long you've been here, what you've been doing, have you been-"
"Pinetree" he cut me off "I'll tell you everything you want to know, but in the morning ok? It's late and you need to sleep. And, thanks... your forgiveness means a lot." He gave a small, genuine smile before turning off the light and closing the door.
I'm glad I'm here right now, who knows... maybe this could be a new beginning, maybe we could be friends...

...OR MORE DIP N DOTS!! Heyyyy I've been super busy with school so this took like 3 days to write😅 but uhhhh give me criticism or something like I rly wanna improve cuz I know this is shit.

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