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Dippers pov

I woke up from a dreamless and peaceful sleep, for the first time in a while, to find two strong arms wrapped around me protectively, for the first time ever- I guess Bill wasn't kidding about the "I'll protect you" part.
"Nope." The sleepy voice of Bill knocked me out of my thoughts.
"How long have you been up?" I looked up at him and brushed some hair out of his eyes, he didn't have his eyepatch on.
"Not long. Dream Demons don't need sleep, even though this body needs rest, it still doesn't need a lot considering I'm not actually human." Oh, cool.
"You could've woken me up so you wouldn't have been lonely..." I would've enjoyed waking up with him.
"It's okay Pinetree, you looked like you needed that sleep, and keep in mind that I've been lonely for years, (mood) an extra hour or so wouldn't kill me. Besides, we'll have tons of more mornings to wake up together."
Years... the thought of being along for that long made me sad, I could barely handle a week without Mabel... Mabel! My family! Oh my gosh!
"Bill I need to get home! I-I just left in the middle of the night and didn't come back! They must be so..." Did they actually care? No one came after me. Maybe they called? I realized my phone was still in my room.
So maybe they tried coming after me? I'm not fast so I would have heard them.
What if they didn't try at all? I'm just a burden to them all, they didn't even have to get rid of me because I ran away...
I felt tears threatening to spill out but I didn't want Bill to see me cry again, let alone over something that may not even be true... I felt Bill hug me tighter and I knew he knew what was going on in my head, I just cried more but it was still pretty quiet. After a few moments I started to calm down and apologized to Bill for crying, again. He put his finger under my chin and raised my face to look at him.
"Shh. Pinetree you have nothing to be sorry for, it's okay to cry sometimes, you've been through a lot. I'm here for you ok? Always." I really want to believe him...
"Promise?" I don't want to get hurt again...
"I promise Dipper, I'd never hurt you I...I love you..." My entire body tensed. H-he, he l-loves me?
"Re-really?" Does he even know what love is? We've spent one night together and it was mostly just me crying. He chuckled.
"Pinetree this wasn't an over night thing, this was a 'I've taken an interest in you since you were 12 thing'. Demons aren't even supposed to feel, so the fact that you made me feel anything before I was "human" was amazing enough, but once I got this form and this heart and stuff I also got emotions- Strong ones towards you Pinetree." Woah. I don't know what to say,
Do I love him?
Will he be mad if I don't say it back?
"Pinetree calm down I don't expect you to say it back, I mean... I tormented and almost killed you and your family, and tried to bring on the end of times, I don't think that's how you humans get someone to fall for you." He chuckled lightly before continuing.
"But even so... I really have changed and I want you to believe that and trust me and maybe... one day... you could possibly... see yourself loving me too?"
I thought about it for a moment.
Could I love him?
I mean just one night with him and I'm already starting to fall for him, but love him?
I started thinking of everything that happened in the past, and what's happening now. The fact is, Bill is being punished, and it ended up showing him how wrong his actions were. He wants to change, he is changing and he even saved me from dying last night. I don't know if I'm crazy, or if I need someone as much as he does, but-
"Yeah, I could see myself loving you someday." I gave him a soft smile and a peck on the lips and I swear I've never seen him smile as much as he was right now, not sinister or secretive, but genuine happiness.
"Good..." he whispered "I was worried you'd want to leave." Leave... crap
"Bill-" He cut me off, he knew I had to get back to my family.
"I know Pinetree, but that doesn't mean we can't still see each other right?" I smiled, he wants to see me.
"Yeah" I sat up "maybe after I talk with them I can meet you somewhere? In the forest?" He smiled and sat up, pulling me into his lap and hiding his face in my neck.
"Sounds perfect. I'll show you a clearing we can meet at while I walk you back to the shack. It's right in the middle and pretty well hidden, except for when the occasional gnome finds it." I groaned
"Ugh, the gnomes" I stretched out the O. We both laughed while recalling the memories I had with the gnomes and of course Bill knew of these because well, he's always watching.
"So what time do you have to go back?" He asked in a rather sad tone.
"I don't know... I'm not in a hurry though." He perked up at this.
"Perfect!" And with that he latched his lips onto mine and we began in a sweet and loving kiss. I enjoyed these moments with Bill, where it felt like it was just us two and nothing else in the world mattered or even existed. I could forget that I'd have to face my family, and only focus on the way our lips moved in sync with one another- a perfect fit.
I broke the kiss because this time I did remember to breathe, and he put his forehead to mine as we both closed our eyes and enjoyed the comfortable silence that came with it. I was the first to break the silence.
"I can really see myself loving you, probably sooner than expected..." I said barely above a whisper, but he heard it and he smiled.
"I'm so happy to hear that Pinetree." He replied in the same tone.
"Until then..." he continued "how about some breakfast?" I smiled.
"Sure, do you have any other clothes for me though? Maybe something smaller?"
"I think so, I have some jeans that don't fit me and you can keep the hoodie you're wearing too." He sat me down on the bed and went to his closet to get me some new clothes, which gave me the opportunity to look around his room. I was sitting on a black bed with yellow blankets covered with a small black triangle pattern, the floor was black as well and a yellow, soft looking carpet was in the middle of the room. The walls were a yellow that matched the blankets and carpet, and he had a black dresser in the corner by his closet. I'm guessing his bathroom was in another part of the house and probably decorated like his room. Although it was mostly black, the yellow made the room pop and gave off a sort of happy vibe- strange coming from a demon. Bill returned minutes later with a pair of light blue jeans and the same first aid kit from last night, he sat down in front of me and started taking off the sweats, it wasn't hard to avoid my leg since they were pretty big on me. He carefully took of the semi-bloody bandages and I caught sight of how bad my leg really looked. I almost wanted to throw up just looking at it, I mean I knew it must be bad from how much it hurt but not this gruesome. I looked at Bill and he didn't even seem too fazed by it.
"How can you even look at that?" You could hear the disgust in my voice.
"Pinetree I think you're forgetting one of my jobs in the nightmare realm was torturing people, this isn't really anything compared to what I've seen or... done." The regret was clear in his voice but I couldn't tell if it was from what he did or the fact that he accidentally brought it up. Maybe both.
"Sorry..." he mumbled it so quietly I almost didn't hear him. He finished bandaging up my legs and helped me put on my- well, his jeans and helped me stand up. I was doing pretty good standing on my own until I tried walking, I immediately fell before Bill caught me in his arms.
"Heh, maybe I should carry you Pinetree?" I blushed slightly but nodded anyways,
and with that he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the kitchen for breakfast.
"How am I going to walk back to the shack if I can't even walk the 10 feet to your kitchen?"
"Well maybe you don't need to leave at all Pinetree, you can stay with me!" Tempting, but I can't, not yet at least.
"Bill you know I can't, I have to at least talk to my family before making any big decisions like that." I knew he understood but it still looked hard for him to accept it.
"Yeah okay fine, can you at least come back later today? I want to spend a day with you that doesn't involve you almost dying." He put me down but kept his arms around my waist and mine went around his neck.
"Of course, I'll come back as soon as possible and we can do whatever we want- or well, whatever we can do with my leg like this." Yet another reminder of how stupid I was to run away not only from my family, my home, but also from a dream demon right into what was probably a wolfs den. Stupid.
"I could probably heal that leg for you Pinetree, if you wanted."
"Wouldn't it take a bunch of your energy though? Healing spells are a lot and you don't even have a lot to begin with." I don't want him to overdo it...
"That's true, but all the energy I used up yesterday is basically restored and the worst that will happen to me is I'll be a little tired and we'd have to take you home a little later than suspected. But would that be so bad?" He smirked as I playfully rolled my eyes and agreed to let him heal me, I just hope nothing bad happens...
He helped me walk over to the couch and sat me down on his lap once again. I just laughed, will I ever sit on my own?
"Nope." He answered so serious yet teasingly, I couldn't help but laugh again.
He rolled up my jeans enough to see my leg and took off the newly put bandages and set them aside.
"This might sting a bit but only for a few minutes, then you'll feel a type of cooling over your wound and it'll be healed before you know it." He kissed my forehead before putting his own against mine and gently put one hand on my leg and one on my waist to support me and keep me from moving too much. He began by closing his eyes and muttering words in Latin that I didn't fully understand, he muttered the same words over and over, speeding up every time. He stopped muttering the spell and even though his eyes were closed I could see they were glowing underneath, my leg began to sting as I felt the skin mend itself. It hurt, a lot. Tears began to spill out of my eyes and the sensation in my leg got continuously worse and intense. Bill still didn't open his eyes but I think he could hear me crying because within seconds his lips were on mine. I heard his voice in my head
I know it hurts, just a little while longer. You're doing great.
Fuck, more of this pain? I thought it was only for a few minutes!
Pinetree it's been like one minute, you're almost there I promise.
Shit, ok ok just calm down, focus on the kiss and not the fact that the burning sensation just got worse! How did it get worse?! I broke the kiss and let out a small scream and whimper of pain before Bill held onto my waist tighter, automatically pulling me closer to him. We stayed like that for another minute, him holding me while I cry out in pain, until the pain died down and eventually stopped. It was like Bill said, I felt a sort of cool breeze type feeling wash over my leg and all the pain from the past few minutes vanished with it. My tears stopped coming out and Bill opened his no longer glowing eyes that were filled with worry and drowsiness- he looked like he could fall asleep at any moment but fought it to make sure I was okay.
"How do you feel Pinetree? Does it still hurt? Do you think you can walk?" He could barely talk at a normal volume, he sounded so exhausted.
"I'm okay Bill, my leg feels perfectly normal. But you on the other hand look worn out, why don't you go back to sleep? Restore your energy?" He looked tempted to do so before shaking his head no.
"I want to stay awake with you Pinetree." I could hear the pout in his voice. Adorable.
"I'll go back to sleep with you ok? You really need it, then we can eat some food and I'll go talk to my family." I really don't want to leave, especially if he's in this weak state, but I have no choice at this point. He yawned before answering.
"Fine, but I'm too tired to move back to my bed so we're staying here."
"That's ok, just get some rest. And Bill? Thank you for healing my leg." I pecked him on the lips before laying down and cuddling up against him, I already feel pretty tired. The last thing I hear before falling asleep was
"Goodnight Pinetree, I love you"
And with that we were both asleep, unaware of anything else but each other.

Schools a bitch, that's all I have to say. Not that anyone's reading this anyways🤪

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