•Chapter 51•

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~Harry Styles~

4 moths later

July: Friday: Memories still hold

"I'll see you later Kim." I waved off to my best friend and hop into my car. Kim is my new best friend, she sat down next to me during English class and from then we've became very close friends. Natalie would've been next to me but unfortunately, she does not live in London anymore, she and her family moved to New York..far away from me. We still remain a couple, but we've decided to just have a break, if that even makes sense. We Skype each other whenever we can, text each other but it just doesn't feel the same way and the timezones are helping either. Niall and I sorted out things and we're all good, just like nothing happened.

The past few months, I've changed into a different person. I'm more confident in myself, I talk to other students, which was a massive surprise to me. I've even got tattoos the past few months, on my arms and chest area. I've always wanted to get some and I've finally got them.

With my family...well, I've been searching for them, every where in London. Houses, apartments...literally every where and I just cannot seem to find them. But I'm not giving up, I know what I saw and they weren't just ghosts or something, it was real. I no longer talk to my family picture, considering they are alive.

The money that my uncle gave me in his hospital room when he past away, I used some to redo my place and also redecorate the music store. I no longer run the store nor does it exist but I still keep the instruments but I also sold them too. The used-to-be music store is now the main living room which is also the chilling area. Games, pool table...fun stuff for when I have guests over.

Parking next to my motorcycle, I heard my phone ding.

1 message from: N

Unlocking my phone, I read her text message.

"Hey H, are you free to Skype?"

"Yeah I am, I just arrived at home. I'll call you on Skype." I texted back.

Going upstairs I changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants and wore a beanie, grabbing my MacBook and a glass of water, I made my way back downstairs and seated myself on the white cushion couch, resting my feet on the glass table. Logging into my Skype and pressed 'call' on Natalie's name, I waited for her to answer.

"Hey." I waved at her.

"Hey Harry, how was your day?"

"It was very good. After school, me and Kim went to grab some lunch, had some ice cream and we went back to her house and relaxed there for a bit."

"Oh, um, thats nice." She said while she shy smiled.

"Natalie, you don't have to be jealous okay? We are just good friends."

"I know I know," she groaned, "I just miss being with you and hanging out with you."

"I know, I feel that too. But once you visit here again, we are going to hang out."

"Thats if I ever do go there. But, anyways, have you got any new tattoos or something? You seem to have quite a lot on your arms." She chuckled.

"No not yet but I'm thinking on what to get next, though I don't know where to put it exactly."

"Well I think they look really good. What about Louis? And Zayn? Oh and Liam and Niall? Any tats?"

"Yes they do except for Niall."

"Of course," she chuckled, "so, if I am allowed to ask, when am I going to meet this Kim girl?"

"Um...I don't know, but maybe like..some day."

Texting You (not continuing any further)Where stories live. Discover now