•Chapter 1•

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~Harry Styles~

Monday: Regular School Day

Hearing my alarm ring throughout my room, I smacked it letting it shut off. Stretching my arms, back and legs out I lazily got off my bed heading to the shower. It's a cold day in London today, and actually sunny too. My nice warm shower cooled down my body from head to toe, washing my hair, face and my body I was done taking a shower. Stepping front of my mirror, I brushed my teeth twice. Wrapping my towel around my lower half of my body, I walked out of the bathroom back into my room. Applying on my white t-shirt and black tight skinny jeans, I messed up my hair with my hands, shaking it and sweeping my fringe to the side. Tying up my shoelaces on my white converse, I walked to my desk grabbing my pepper-mint perfume applying it around my neck and shirt. Checking the time on my black iPhone it was only 7:16am, I still had time to eat breakfast. Walking out my room and into the kitchen, I grabbed milk out of the fridge and crunchy nut in the cabinet above. Once I finished my cereal, I ate a banana real quick. Getting my phone, earphones, black Nike sports bag with my books, sketch pad, pens and pencils. It was 7:39am. Grabbing my keys to my motorcycle I headed to another dreadful day of high school.

Arriving at my school, I parked in a isolated area. Taking off my helmet, shaking my hair a bit to fix it, I walked to the front office smiling at Mrs. Winston handing her my helmet to take care of. Walking to my locker getting my history book out for first lesson, I placed my earphones in playing some Ed Sheeran songs. I started walking with my head down ignoring all the idiotic teenagers in my school.

Arriving at my classroom, me being the first one there, I smiled to Mr. Lawson. All the teachers in this school know I don't talk much, know I ignore the students, know I listen to music when they stop talking, know I'm always on time before anyone else and know about my family they know about them because my mum would talk to them and be their friend but that's changed. My family past away when they were in a plane crash on the way here. I was waiting for them at the airport in London because they were visiting me. I didn't even get to say goodbye to them...

As I sat down in the back of the classroom with my bag next to me, I pulled out my books and pens, placing my phone and earphones in front of me, I leaned my head in my hands, elbows on the desk, waiting 1 more minutes till all the students show up and this lesson starts.

"Mr. Styles," Mr. Lawson walk towards me with papers in his hands, "Here's everything for today's double lesson. This note pad has the instructions for these worksheets about WWI and WWII. There both due this week Friday. Everything on here and this sheets is what I'm talking about today. You can start and put your head phones back into your ears." He smiled at me, I gave him a smile back. I put in my earphones, continuing on listening to Ed, and started working on the sheets and writing down some notes.

1 hour past and I was done with WWI, taking my headphones out, I ripped a piece of paper out of my book and wrote down on it.

"I've finished WWI and answered all the questions and the main question. Instead of handing it in on Friday, I'm giving it to you now.

H." Taking out my earphones and grabbing the sheets I walked towards my teacher. Tapping his desks to get his attention I placed my work on the desk walking away back to my seat.

"Okay! Class dismiss, see you next lesson...oh! And don't be late." Everyone scurried away quickly to go with their friends to "enjoy" their recess. I picked up my bag and began walking out.

"Oh, Harry. Thank you for submitting your assignment early. I'm very impressed with all the sources you've gathered in a short amount of time." He smiled at me and I returned it back. Walking out of the classroom I headed to the library just like every other day in school.

"Morning Harry." Mrs. Destiny said to me, I smiled at her. Mrs. Destiny always gives me the new books that are in school. She was also my mothers best friend. Right now I'm reading one of my all time favourite books 'Harry Potter'. Sitting at the end of the library, I placed my bag next to me and began reading.


As I arrived home after the constant process of school. I walked up to my mailbox unlocking it to see nothing. Locking it again I walked up the stairs to level 3 heading to my apartment room. Opening the door, I walked inside placing my bag on the kitchen counter, I opened all the curtains and turned on the tv to the music channel. Heading back to the kitchen to have some lunch, I made tacos. Bring my food with me with a coke can in my hand, I rested my feet on my brown coffee table, placing my plate on my lap and drink on the table I changed the channel and began watching a movie.

As day past by and night came along, I took of my shirt throwing it in the laundry room as well as my jeans. Taking my school bag of the counter I put the straps onto my shoulders, locking the door, closing the curtains and turning off the tv I headed to my room. I only have a two bedroom apartment, the second bedroom is basically full of my art supplies, a broken tv and family things.

After taking a quick shower I dried myself off, not bothering to out any clothing on since I like to be naked, I got my phone connecting it to my speaker playing chilled music.

"Goodnight mum, dad and Gemma...I love you's so much." I said, looking at the last family photo I have of family and I on my nightstand. Inhaling and exhaling out of my nose. I tugged the blanket closer to my chin, turning over to get comfortable I drifted off to sleep to the sound of my peaceful music.


Thank you for reading my third fanfic of Harry Styles. I like to write about Harry...a lot. Please vote, share and follow me, I'll really appreciate it. Also read my first fanfic "Only you...and only me..." And please read my first chapter of "The City Girl".


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