•Chapter 30•

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~Harry Styles~

Wednesday: Back to School

Getting out of the warm shower I took, I wrapped my towel around my waist and went to brush my teeth, after I was done I walked out of my bathroom and saw N still sleeping. I love how she's with me, but she has to go back to her house today. I walked up to her and touched her cheek rubbing my thumb against it. "Love, you have to get up, we've got school," I kissed her forehead and waited till I saw those beautiful brown eyes of hers. She groaned but opened her eyes, I pecked her nose and told her to take a shower. Heading to my wardrobe, I took off my towel and put on my underwear, I got my white shirt, black skinny jeans and a green button up shirt to put over just to keep me warm. Picking up my towel again and putting it over my head I shook it a bit to make my hair dry and did my hair. Grabbing my school bag and seeing if I have everything I need, which I did, I placed it on my bed and got my brown boots.

The shower turned off and then I heard the sink being used I went to the kitchen to make us some cereal with orange juice. 10 minutes later, N came out wearing her black leggings and a knitted sweater with her white converses, her hair was platted and is placed over her shoulder. She looks beautiful. "Here's your cereal and juice."

"Thank you, I like what you're wearing today H."

"Thank you and I like what you're wearing too." We continued eating until we finished and we placed he dishes into the sink, she grabbed her other satchel that she uses for school and checked if she had everything. 7:20am, we left my place once we got everything along with my helmet, I hopped onto my motorcycle with N behind me and her arms wrapped securely around me, backing out of the parking space I speeded off to school.

"I hope you all had a nice little break." Our teacher said as she walked into the classroom, everyone groaned but I smiled at N next to me knowing we had a good time together. "We're having a new student today, she just moved here not to long ago, Taylor, care to introduce yourself," The same Taylor girl from when she bumped into me when I was working, walked into the classroom and introduced herself. She looked at me and smiled but I just kept a straight face. "Sit anywhere you'd like." Miss said, great, she's going to be seating at the back with us, since it's the only seats available. "Right, let's get back to learning some new things." As she kept writing stuff down on the board and us copying what she's writing, I looked to my right seeing Taylor already looking at me. Creep. I thought in my head, who stares at me during class?

After that boring lesson on geography, It was now recess, we began walking to the library but we bumped into the boys.

"Hey guys!" Louis said hugging us along with the other boys. "Where are you's hanging?"

"Library." N said.

"Well, is it okay if you hang with you's, cafeteria is a bit boring." We nodded our heads and we headed up the stairs to go into the library, I greeted Mrs. Destiny with a massive smile and she smiled back at me knowing I have my beautiful girlfriend with me and our friends. We sat down where we always sit and I took out my recess sharing with N.

"This is actually a nice place to hang out to be honest." Zayn said looking around.

"I agree, more privacy and less noisy." Niall said as he are his packet of chips.

"So, this is where it all started hey?" Louis said smiling at us, I grabbed a hold of her hand and smiled at her.

"Yes, it is." I said while looking into her eyes.

We continued talking to each other, laughing along together and enjoying our time. The bell went and we went to our next class, art, my favourite class of the day. I continued painting on the canvas, which was a NYC overview in the night sky, with my music in my ears I was in the zone while expressing my creativeness on the canvas, I saw what Nat was painting and it was a lake with trees scattered and a sunset view. Our assessment is to either do architecture, nature and day or night paintings, so I decided to do a architecture painting. Getting off my stool I went to collect more black and white paint, since I ran out of it, I squirted more onto my paint pallet and tipped out my glass of water (to wash the paint) and refilled it with clean water, going back to my seat, I continued painting.

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