•Chapter 18•

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~Harry Styles~

Thursday: Explanation

Since we couldn't stay anywhere else we had to go back to the hotel. Her mum was crying when we got there but Nat just dragged me to our room and locked us in there along with Matt. We haven't gone out of the room ever since we woke up, I kinda want to talk to Alisha and see why she did it. I know it's none of my business but I feel like I should be there for her.

I got out of the bed slowly so that I don't wake up Nat, I walked towards the living room seeing her mum in the same position as yesterday. She's in a robe and her hair is in a big mess. I sat down next to her and she woke up.

"Oh," She wiped her nose and rubbed her eyes, "Harry, what are you doing?" She had a croaky voice and swollen puffy eyes from crying to much.

"I want to see how your doing." She sat up and crossed her legs, sitting in the same position as me.

"Terrible. How's Natalie and Matthew?"

"Nat isn't so good and Matt is pretty quite," She nodded her head, "Could you tell me an explanation about whats been going on?" I changed the subject.

"Well, this has only been going on for 3 weeks. I got fired from my job and needed money for the house bills, food. Everything I needed to pay for. I started getting stressed because of that and I didn't want to tell my kids that I got fired and don't have enough money," She sniffed, I wrapped my arm around her, comforting her to make her feel slightly better, "One of my friends said she smokes weed and heroin and earns tones of money, I'm talking about thousands of money. And so I asked where so gets it, she told me Lenny. But he didn't give it to my easily and so we made a deal, because I was desperate for money and for the drugs to help me. So, yeah, that's how it happened. Thats how we got a trip to Paris, thats how I got enough for you to come on this trip." She finished off and cried loudly. I hugged her closer. She just needed some help getting money and help to lose her stress. But drugs and having sex to earn the money isn't the right way.

"How'd Lenny come here. If you don't mind me asking."

"He was already in Paris, he left the before we did. I'm such a horrible mum."

"Shh Alisha, you're not a horrible mum. Your a caring mum who loves her kids so very much. Since I care for you, I want you to stop the drugs and sex with this guy. I can help you apply for a job Alisha and earn enough money."

"I will stop, I promise. Thank you so much Harry."

"Your welcome, but you need to tell Nat and Matt about this. Okay?" She nodded her head.

"She doesn't need to. We heard everything." We turned our heads to see N and Matt standing behind the wall, they came to us and hugged their mum.

"I'm so sorry." Alisha cried out.

"It's okay, just..tell us when you need help with something instead of doing the wrong thing." Nat said, her mum nodded her head and hugged them again.

"Come on Harry, your part of the family to." I smiled at them joining in with the hug.


Now that everything is cleared up about Alisha. We all wanted to enjoy the trip without anymore sadness or anything to ruin the trip. We got ready for a day all together, this time.

First we went to eat some breakfast downstairs. Then we went back to the shops to shop some more, Alisha was on a full on shopping spree and bought us what ever we liked, I already got the stuff I wanted from yesterday though I saw a canon camera with HQ quality and a whole bundle with the stand and different camera lenses. Boy oh boy I wanted that but it cost way to much.

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