Chapter 4

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We were now into about at least 2 hours into the trip and we were all just in conversations about stuff. Daniel took off the tension between us two earlier by starting a new conversation between just us. There was a ton of tension because of my little break out about him calling me 'Ella' earlier. So now the whole car was filled with voices and laughter. We were having a fun time.

"Umm mommy?" Johnny speaks up to my mom.

"Yes hon?"

"I need to peepee!"

My childish self bursted into laughter in my head, but I just quickly covered my mouth with my hand to stop the almost laughter.

"Okay, I'll stop at the nearest gas station. Or wait, who's hungry," my mom asks.

Yes yes. Food. Food. I'm hungry as hell.

"Me!" I yell quickly as possible then a few other 'me's were said too.

"Okay let's go to King's for dinner there's a restroom there. Oh and the food is Bella's treat since she said 'me' first."

What! Nope, not happening.

"No no, you offered, so you pay," I say not wanting to pay at all.

"I'll pay," Lachlan says.

"No I can," Daniel says.

Great idea Daniel.

"Okay deal. Daniella will pay. Ha can't wait 'til you see how much you're gonna pay. I'll get the most expensive food in the restaurant," I grin looking at Daniel.

"No it's okay Daniel, you're our guest, so we can pay. Or not we, but Bella will," my mom smiles.

"Nuh-uh no I won't. I didn't even bring money," I say.

"Yeah, it's alright. I got it!" Lachlan says.

I mean Lachlan paying doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. Especially since he's rich as fuck and the bill for tonight will be like nothing to him. He could've bought ten hotel rooms for this vacation of theirs, but my mom decided to demand that they stay at out house because she wanted to get closer to 'em. My mom being my mom, was very persuasive and let me add, scary.

"Fine," my mom says giving up.

I pout, "So Daniella won't pay?"

He puts a large smile of amusement on his face. "Nope,' he says popping the 'p'.

Oh shit. I forgot that I look like I just woke up from hibernation. I'm really going to go into a restaurant looking like this?

"Wait, I look like crap because I wanted to get comfortable since I thought we weren't going out at all. How about we go to Wendy's instead or something," I suggest.

"Noooo I want to go to King's," Johnny whines.

"Well then you're just gonna have to deal with it Bella. You'll figure it out somehow," my mom says glancing at me through her rearview mirror.

I sigh, "fine."

It took five minutes to get to King's and right when my mom unlocked the doors, Johnny went running to the restaurant's restroom.

I took off my sweater, leaving me with only a shirt, sweatpants, and shoes. I also changed changed my hairstyle from a messy bun to fixed hair put down. I look ... decent.

The rest of us get out of the car and my mom runs to the bathroom to supervise Johnny, but she just stayed out of the restroom because there was no way in hell that she was going into the boy's restroom.

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