Chapter 51

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I was slowly falling asleep after using half my tissue box when the doorbell rang. I jumped slightly and groaned before reluctantly getting up. My feet rubbed on the carpet as I walked nonchalantly to the door. I looked like a mess and it was probably because i actually was and when I swung the door open, I started yawning and my eyes filled with tears.

"Very fuckin' classy, Livi." Louis pointed out as I yawned again.

I raised my nose up as I blinked a few times and showing him my middle finger. He grabbed it quickly and I groaned again, pulling on my arm to get it back without much success.

"I'm siiiiick." I complained again. "Why aren't you nice with me?"

"Because i'm not a nice person, love." he let out, raising his eyebrows as I turned around to go back to the couch.

"You like people to think that but it's a lie."

I let myself fall on the couch and Louis closed the door before joining me. He leaned against the side of the couch to face me and frowned, his elbows placed on the back of the couch. His eyes got smaller as he studied me and I brought my legs up, wrapping my arms around my knees as I felt a shiver cross my back.

"What does that even mean?"

The left corner of my lips raised up and I shrugged with a shoulder, feeling slightly dizzy probably because of the fever.

"That you play the bad boy card to scare people away but I can see right through you." I explained slowly, staring at him. "You are the nicest, kindest, sweetest and most sensitive person i've ever met. You think people don't see it... you don't want people to see it, but we all see it, Tommo, that's why everyone loves you."

He remained silent for a while, just looking at me, and I didn't drop my gaze, I wanted him to know it was true, that I meant it, and that I knew who he really was. He shook his head very slightly.

"Not everyone."

"She loves you too."

Louis trying to hide himself behind a bad boy facade became worse when he and Eleanor broke up. He was always out getting drunk and partying but for some weird reason, it seemed like I could feel his aura. I could sense him sadder than he ever was, even if he showed the world the total opposite. At the same time, I felt very selfish, knowing that I would never have gotten so close to Louis if he wasn't single, but if I wanted to be honest, i'd give my friendship with him up if it meant he and El never broke up. I wanted nothing more than him being happy.

Louis cleared his throat and moved closer, leaning his elbows on his knees and raising his eyebrows at me. I knew he was going to change the subject and it was okay with me. I didn't want to discuss anything he didn't feel comfortable sharing.

"So little Nialler just told me you were still sick."

I chuckled at the nickname and rolled my eyes.

"He's anything but little."

His lips curled into a smirk and it made me smile too. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from laughing and he raised his nose up.

"I know, i've seen."

We both burst into laughter and I grabbed an other tissue before blowing in it. Louis' face changed into a disgusted grimace as I sniffed.

"Good god, stay away from me."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed again.

"You knew I was sick, don't act so surprised!" I argued as he laughed again. "Why are you here, Lou?"

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