Chapter 34

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I woke up before my alarm and even if it was still dark outside, I could still see the room clearly. She was deeply asleep next to me, her lips parted and lightly snoring, and it made an amused smile curl my lips before it turned into a fond one. I couldn't remember the last time I actually wanted a girlfriend. I know I had dated Maya but it was more a relationship that I felt trapped in. With Olivia, it was different. I wanted this, I loved it, and I was ready to let people know I was taken. That obviously didn't mean I was going to talk about it to everyone and publicly display my love and affection all the time, but I was okay with more things that I normally didn't agree with. I wanted this relationship to be discreet though and I was going to do anything I could to keep it that way. I thought it was the best way to save it and I didn't want to risk it, but I wouldn't deny or hide it.

I stared at my girlfriend for a few minutes and the thought of us being official made my heart thump all over my body. It was crazy yet it felt just right. I glanced at the large green-ish numbers on my clock and licked my lips, moving slightly closer to her and pressing my lips on hers.

"Liv? Wake up..." I whispered without success. "Olivia, our flight is in a few hours, we need to leave soon."

I put my hand gently on her arm and shook her softly but she didn't even budge and I decided to try a bit harder. It was always a pain to wake her up but I thought the alarm was just a bad way to get awaken.

"Petal, please wake up."

Her lips curled slightly this time and she groaned, I felt her legs move a bit and brush against mine and I licked my lips.

"Five more minutes." she mumbled low. "I was dreaming about you."

I let out a short and low laugh, leaning my head again my hand as I was still looking at her.

"No need to dream about me darling, i'm right here with you."

Her eyes fluttered open and I smiled more before she did the same. She brought her hand to my cheek and let her fingertips run on my skin and it reminded me that she had done the same at the lodge, one night. It was ridiculous that I had not noticed the way she looked at me before. How did I miss all of that?

I put my hand over hers, grabbing her fingers gently and bringing her hand to my lips before kissing her palm as I still stared at her. Her eyes were small and tired but the way she smiled at me was adorable and I moved closer to kiss her lips.

"Shower and dress up." I whispered, letting my lips brush on her jaw. "We don't wanna be late."

I pushed the covers off me and got up, searching through my drawers to find something to wear. I knew she would lay in bed for a while before actually getting up and I turned to look at her. She had barely moved. She was just staring at me and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"What now?" I asked, making her smile more.

"Nothing." she simply answered in a whisper.

I waited a few seconds just staring at her and finally chuckled and walked to the bathroom. I left the door ajar and turned the shower on, checking the temperature of the water before getting in. I stayed under the hot stream for a while but when I heard a noise, I opened my eyes again and held my breath when I noticed Liv walked in. I tried to hold her gaze but I couldn't help and let my eyes roam on her body. She was tensed, that much was obvious, but I sent her a small smile, happy that she had joined me. I didn't say a word, I just got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer gently. I felt her shiver in my arms and bent down to kiss her, my wet lips pressing firmly but still softly against hers. It took her a few seconds but she finally brought her hands to my hair, slipping her fingers in it and I let my fingertips brush on her lower back.

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