Chapter 7

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I blinked a few times, staring at him and holding my breath. It was the last thing I expected from him and I was pretty sure he could tell from the surprised expression plastered on my face. In fact, if he had admitted to imagining having sex with Harry I would have been less startled.

"You're kidding, right?"

The left corner of his lips moved up, changing his face in some sort of sad expression just as his gaze fell on his lap. He was avoiding my eyes and somehow I was grateful for that because even if I was still staring at him, I didn't know if us looking at each other would be comfortable. His arm was still resting on the back of the couch and I was suddenly aware of the proximity of our bodies. I didn't want to move away and make it even more awkward but staying so close also made everything feel weird. Slowly, i moved my thigh away to make sure it wasn't pressed against his anymore but my heart started racing inside me anyway.

"I mean, yea, it's true." he confirmed, raising my hope up higher than it had ever been. "You know I told you I had a dream about us kissing, well it was more than that. We were.. you know..."

He shook his head a few times as if it would make it obvious and although I really wanted to hear him from his mouth, I didn't insist. I could feel my wall being teared down slowly as if someone was taking off one brick after the other. The feelings hiding behind were ready to live but I was not ready to take the risk. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to get back to my senses and not let my emotions take control.

"It was just a dream, Niall." I explained in a low tone.

"Oh I know." he let out after a few seconds. "I just wanted you to know I lied. The dream fucked me up for a day or two, that's all."

That was it, the moment was gone and my hope was dying. I breathed in deeply to put back the few bricks of my wall I had taken off and forced a smile on my lips just as he looked up. I tried to keep my smile but it faded slightly before quickly coming back. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or his revelation, but he seemed even more handsome than normally , illuminated by the moon rays. It made my heart twist in my chest and somehow, I was scared he would notice. I had to light up the mood and I just tilted my head, my smile turning into a smirk.

"Was it good?"

His eyes seemed to sparkle and he chuckled, sending me a small but amused smile.

"Woke up with a solid boner."

This time, I burst into laughter and he joined me. I let my head fall back against his arm and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop laughing and I shook my head again, turning my head his way as it was still leaning against his arm.

"That means nothing. You see boobs and get hard!"

"I'm not 16 anymore, Liv, the simple sight of boobs do not make me hard."

I stared at him, my eyes getting smaller as I looked at him in a joking manner. He raised his eyebrows and I tilted my head, not totally sure I actually believed him.

"That sounds fake." I pointed out, making him smile more. "You're lying."

"Show me yours then, and we'll see."

I slapped his arm lightly and it made him laugh even more. It was contagious and I felt my lips curl as I tried not to look away from him. I knew he was joking but I don't think I would ever be able to show him my body. I knew I was not one of those girls, the girls who got the good genes... girls like Heidi.

"Okay so let's say your dream girl walks by right now." I supposed, pointing out the bottom of the few stairs outside the house. "She walks up, tells you how bad she wants you, and moves her shirt up to show you her tits.. you would still stay soft?"

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