Chapter 6

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"Truth!" I immediately said as Harry let out the exact same word.

I turned to him and he did it too, making Livia laugh, putting her hand over her mouth. I never really understood why she did that and I didn't see any reason for her to hide herself but I took a mental note to ask her someday.

"It's like a mirror or something." she explained when I sent her a questioning look.

I probably made a weird face again because she started laughing harder, her upper body swinging back lightly before she uncrossed her legs and let herself slide on the carpet. Harry and I remained silent but when I raised my eyebrows, she smiled more.

"Okay, I'll ask both of you the same question." she finally proposed. "And I know exactly what i'm gonna ask."

Her smile turned into a smirk and I shook my head slightly. I had always refused to answer some questions because I always thought that what happened on the road, should stay on the road, but I knew I was about to hear a question I had been asked before.

"Don't cheat." I warned her before she sent me an innocent look.

"That's not cheating! That's a game, Niall, and you have to answer the question because you picked truth!"

I groaned low knowing it amused her more than it should and when I glanced at Harry, I realized he was smiling too. Poor Harry knew how to get around a question in an interview but he had no idea of how Olivia's brain really worked yet. When she wanted an answer, she could be quite persuasive.

"How do you guys masturbate while on the road?" she let out, her innocent look still gracing her face. "Do you do it in the bunks behind the curtains? Or maybe you wait until you're alone, or when you can have your own hotel room? Or is it some sort of collective thing that you share?"

I grimaced at the thought but Harry started laughing and I knew I was fucked, I would definitely have to answer that question because Harry was going to tell her anyway.

"Sometimes in the bunks, sometimes in the shower, sometimes in a hotel room, love."

Her smile fell down slightly. "So, nothing collective?"

"No, nothing collective you soulless dirty woman!" I let out a bit too loud before Harry could say anything, throwing the first thing my hand landed on which was the golf magazine I had left on my coffee table.

Liv started laughing, trying to dodge my projectile with her elbow, while Harry hit me gently on the arm, making me shrug and frown at him.

"Don't worry, Harry." she started, reaching for an other jello shot and leaving the magazine on the floor. "That's how Niall and I talk and treat each other. You should know by now, he doesn't mean it."

She threw her head back to eat the shot and somehow, it made my lips curl. I didn't know why but she was endearing tonight, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because Harry was there. Was she different around him? I didn't really notice.

I decided I wanted something else than those a bit too sweet jello shots and walked to the kitchen, coming back with three beers. I handed them one each and sat back on the floor, between Harry and Liv, making sure not to hide them from each other. They thanked me but kept talking and I tried to get back on track with the game.

"I'm not sure it's fair." Liv said, shaking her head.

"It's totally fair." Harry argued. "One truth, and one dare."

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