± Daechwita pt. 3 ±

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1100 AD

Soyeon's reign continued to oppress the people of her kingdom, reducing them into nothing but loathing and fearful peasants under her control. Word had also gotten out about the queen's new man, a blonde stranger who appeared out of the shadows one night. 

When Soojin found out, she was quite upset with the queen, but Soyeon had told her of the assassination attempt, and how Yoongi had saved her life. Soojin knew Yoongi only saved Soyeon for his own benefit, but oddly enough Yoongi had showed no interest in taking Soyeon's soul, and even treated her how a queen should be treated by a king. 

Yeonjun was the only one who was not on board with everything. He was livid beyond his limits at how his friend was easily seduced by another man, a demon to be exact. He begged Soyeon to get rid of Yoongi, even tried to contact the monks to get rid of the demon, but Soyeon had them executed and Yeonjun was sent to live alone in the east tower where he would not be a bother to Soyeon and Yoongi. 

Aside from that, there have more than one attempt to kill the queen, each failed due to Yoongi's protection over Soyeon. The last group who tried to kill her were publicly executed  and Yoongi happily hung their heads up as a decoration and for his own amusement at the north end of the palace, a place where Soyeon built just for Yoongi to have fun. 

For the most part, Yoongi finds Soyeon annoying but tolerable, yet her psychotic behavior is starting to get out of control and it's holding him back from fully taking over as king

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For the most part, Yoongi finds Soyeon annoying but tolerable, yet her psychotic behavior is starting to get out of control and it's holding him back from fully taking over as king.

"My queen, I have brought you the servants that work in the kitchen." A guard announces as he guides six servants into the throne room. There was an assembly that day, and all the royal officials were there, as well as military generals and business men who worked along side the queen. The assembly was sudden and unexpected, all of them wonder why did she summon them on such short notice. 

The servants all stand before the throne, where Yoongi was sitting with Soyeon happily beside him. Everyone was bitter that a stranger is sitting on their fallen king's throne, even more that Soyeon has such a smug look on her face too. 

"Now that we are all gathered here, let's get started." Soyeon rises to her feet and stares upon the servants, her smug grin fading into a look of disgust. "I have received word that one of you had planned on tainting my food with dog shit." the tension in the room simmers as all eyes fall upon the servants who were trembling under the queen's heavy glare. 

None dared to look her in the eyes, but the reflection of guilt runs off their faces, further angering the queen. 

"I see, so no one wishes to talk. Perhaps I can motivate you to do so." She turns to her royal guard and tells them to bring out six baskets filled with an oily liquid. The guard places each basket in front of the servants, all of them grimacing at the horrid smell protruding from it. 

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