± Kingdom of the Fallen pt. 3±

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"Get back you undead bitches! I got the power of god and-"

"Jungkook, shut up and fucking run!" Jimin and Dawon scream at him as they run down the hall, having no idea where to go. 

They had gotten lost while running away from the undead guards, and with the palace being so massive, they end up turning into any hall they can find, as long as they keep a distance from the undead. 

"Shit, a fucking dead end!" Jungkook informs as he stops before a large wall with a statue holding two swords mounted upon it.

"They are coming!" Jimin whimpers as he points to the undead turning the corner, snarling and groaning at the humans. "What do we do?!"

Dawon looks around for a way out, then turns around and sees the swords on the wall. "Jungkook, lift me up." Dawon says as she approaches the wall and reaches up for one of the swords. 

"But Dawon-"

"Do it now Jungkook!" Dawon commands, looking back in panic as the undead are getting closer. 

Jungkook wraps his arms around her legs and lifts her up, Dawon successfully grabs one of the swords and Jungkook puts her down just in time. 

"Stay the fuck away from us." Dawon warns as she sways her sword like a warrior and gets into a fighting stance.  Strange, she's never held a sword in her life, yet her body acts on it's own, as if it was trained for it. 

"Woah...Dawon got that bad bitch vibe." Jungkook is amazed. 

"I swear Jungkook if you make another comment, I will stab you with the other sword."

"That's if you can reach it first." Jungkook certainly earns a slap to the head by Jimin. 

"Guys, stop fucking around! The guards are getting closer." Dawon stands in front, ready to fight. She's scared, but her determination to find her son is what keeps that fear at bay, giving her the strength and courage. 

Jungkook puts his fists up, as does Jimin, both terrified for the fight. "They are zombies, so let's aim for the head."

"For once, your gamer skills come in handy." Jimin mutters. 

The three prepare for the worst, but suddenly the air goes cold and a gust of wind sweeps through the hall, nearly knocking everyone off their feet.

"Having fun without me?"

Taehyung lands behind the guards and grabs two of them, putting them both in a head lock and snapping their necks.

One of the guards swings its sword at Dawon. She deflects its attack, skillfully maneuvering her sword as she swings it and slices off the guards head. 

Another comes from behind and swings it's sword at her, but a shadow hand reaches out from under it and wraps around its legs and arms, giving Dawon a chance to cut its head off.

The last guard tries to go after Jimin, but Jungkook stands in its way and punches its face in. No seriously his hand goes into the undead guards face, and it gets stuck.

"Disgusting!" Jungkook shouts as he plays tug o war in trying to free his hand.

"For fuck sakes!" Jimin jumps on the guards back, using his weight to pull the guard back, freeing Jungkook's hand in the process.

The guard steps back, slamming Jimin into the wall. It then turns around to strike Jimin, but Taehyung is quick to wrap his large hands around its neck and rip it off.

"About time you showed up. I'm about to shit myself from dealing with all these zombies." Jimin says as he stands up and hugs Taehyung. "What happened to the others?"

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