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"Forgive me Jimin." Taehyung smothers his face into his hands, sitting on his knees before Jimin, crying his heart out.

"Taehyung, for the hundredth time, I said I forgive you." Jimin huffs, placing his hand on Taehyung's back and gently rubbing it.

Taehyung has been crying for an hour, constantly begging Jimin to forgive him over and over after he was finally released from Soojin's control. Jimin forgave Taehyung, knowing he really wasn't at fault with what happened, yet the demon refuses to adhere to that. He continues to blame himself, non stop crying over what he did, especially to Hanzo. 

"I killed him Jimin." Taehyung sniffs, wiping away his boogers with Jimin's shirt. "Hanzo is my special friend, and I killed him." Taehyung sobs even harder, feeling his chest collapse with pain and regret. 

Jimin feels that pain and understands how horrible Taehyung feels, but he assures the demon that he is not mad at him, and that it wasn't his fault. "That bitch made you do it. She was the one who killed Hanzo and took his soul." Jimin lifts Taehyung's head, stopping him from wiping his boogers on Jimin's shirt, and looks him in the eyes. "You did nothing wrong. You were just another victim under that bitch's spell."

"And a lucky one too." Minho comments. Both Him and Jackson were watching the duo from the side, Jackson on the verge of tears from seeing Taehyung cry, and Minho being confused and annoyed. "But now that you are free from her grasp, we need to keep moving and find a safer place. Soojin will probably send a group to look for us."

"I doubt it." Taehyung says, wiping his tears again and standing up straight. "She's too focused on gathering her army to even care about us." he adds, much to everyone's relief. He then looks to Jackson, raising a brow in confusion. "How did you end up here? I thought the devil punished you with that minotaur."

Jackson gulps, his ass clenching tight at the horrid memory of that damn beast. "Well, after that fucking beast of hers used me, he killed me. Once someone dies in hell, their 'soul' is sent to this world, banished and left to be forgotten, hence the name, Realm of the Forgotten." he uses his fingers as quotes. "But lucky for us, we bumped into Jimin, and yes, we kept him safe." he adds, hoping that can gain Taehyung's trust in him. Back in hell, him and Jackson weren't really close friends. 

Taehyung looks to Jimin for confirmation, the human nods in response. "They were the ones who helped me inside the mansion. They are really nice." he assures. 

Through their soulmate bond, Taehyung can feel Jimin's sincerity. The demon looks back to Jackson, nodding with approval. "Thank you." he says, then looks over to Minho, who he doesn't fully trust since the man is just a whole mystery. "Thank you for keeping him safe." 

Minho nods in return, being a man very few words. His stoic expression was hard to read, so Taehyung mentally tells himself to keep an eye on him. 

"Guys, look!" Jimin points up to the sky, where they see a large portal opening.

Everyone follows his gaze and sees it too. Taehyung's eyes widen when he suddenly feels two very familiar demonic energies, and three unfamiliar ones. 

"Who is crazy enough to enter this realm?" Minho speaks to himself, but he is still heard by the others.

"It's Yoongi and Namjoon!" Taehyung shouts in excitement, then his brows furrow. "And they are not alone. I feel three others with them." He tilts his head, confusion wavering over him. "They are also demons...but one of them feels like Jungkook."

Jimin feels it too. He feels Jungkook's presence, but mixed in was also a much more...darker presence. It was strange that Jimin can suddenly feel these sensations, and even more strange when he feels a tug on his pinky finger.

Tainted S2 [Yoonseok ff]Where stories live. Discover now