± Case of the Ex ±

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"So, how'd it go last night between you and Jin?" Taehyung asks while giving Namjoon the lenny face.

Namjoon grimaces in reply. "Terrible, well for me at least." Namjoon says with a frown as he leans against the chain link fence, casting a gloomy gaze over to the group of kids playing near the swings.

"Let me guess, your powers still haven't surfaced yet." Yoongi comments. Namjoon groans in response.

"I fucked him in every position, in every room, leaving the apartment upside down and nearly coated in cum, yet by the end of the night, I still couldn't activate my powers." Namjoon huffs out deeply, where as Taehyung nearly moans at the image of Namjoon fucking Jin.

"So sex wasn't the answer to your problem." Yoongi states.

"Nope. And it's fucking frustrating because I can feel my powers surging inside me, yearning for it's release." Namjoon clutches his chest with a growl, his eyes glowing red with frustration. "How about you two?"

"Mine came back yesterday. Hoseok already knows about it." Yoongi says. "I can also feel it lingering inside me, wanting to come out." He touches his chest, feeling the dull pulse of his powers surging inside him.

"Did you fuck him?" Taehyung eagerly asks, earing a glare from Yoongi.

"No....he was too scared to come near me." Yoongi sadly admits.

After regaining his powers last night, he and Hoseok had a long talk about it. Hoseok was accepting of it, understanding that Yoongi's powers are needed in case Soyeon decides to attack, but it scared him knowing his boyfriend is a demon again.

"Talk to him again today and let him know you aren't a threat to him." Namjoon tells him. "It's good that he knows and is accepting of it. I still have to convince Jin that I have my powers back and that the threat of the fallen angel is real."

Taehyung snorts at that. "Good luck with that. Jin would definitely lose his shit when he finds out you're a demon again."

Namjoon raises his fist at Taehyung, but Yoongi gently grabs his arm, giving him a soft stare. "Taehyung is right. Jin had suffered in the past because of your powers. Telling him wont be easy."

"I know. But I have to do it anyways." Namjoon huffs out a deep breath, internally dreading the idea of Jin going hysteric.

"I haven't told Jimin or Jungkook about my powers yet. I'm saving that for tonight when we have sex." Not surprising, but Taehyung boasts about it, making both Yoongi and Namjoon roll their eyes.

"Good luck with that. They laughed at us before and I know they will do it again." Yoongi comments.

"Oh trust me." Taehyung's voice lowers an octave, crimson red flashing in his eyes as a boxy smile stretches across his lips. "I'll have them screaming for mercy by the end of the night." His voice lowers even more until it comes out distorted and demonic.

"You better be fucking joking. Cuz if you hurt them, I will break your fucking neck." Yoongi threatens. Taehyung's tone didn't even sound playful. It was sinister and serious, and when Taehyung is serious, it means he wants to kill.

Taehyung laughs it off. "I'm kidding Yoongi. When I said I'd make them scream, I meant during sex." Taehyung humps the fence to prove his point.

"Remind me why I'm still friends with you." Namjoon mutters.

"Because I give good blow jobs."

"Oh, true." Namjoon nods to that.

"And I'm leaving." Yoongi grumbles, already done with Taehyung's horny ass.

Tainted S2 [Yoonseok ff]Where stories live. Discover now