± The enemy of my enemy is my friend ±

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When a wife loses her spouse, she becomes a widow.

When a child loses their parents, they become an orphan.

But what do you call a mother who loses their child?

No words can even express that term, nor will it ever take away the pain that comes with losing a child.

Yoongi is silent as he watches Dawon and Hoseok cry over Hanzo's body. His heart cracks under the abundant weight of guilt, each fragmented piece stabbing him in the chest.

Death isn't anything new to Yoongi, he's been around death far too many times to count. But this death he's witnessing is too much for him to handle.

"My baby, my baby boy." Dawon grieves for her lost child, each sob represents the wave of pain wracking through her, slowly withering her from the inside, hollowing her out until there is nothing but grief and pain to fill the void.

Hoseok holds onto his sister, crying his heart out for his nephew.

To see Hoseok cry nearly breaks Yoongi.

"C'mon Jungkook, please wake up."

Yoongi looks over to Jin and Namjoon, both hovering over Jungkook's body. The human isn't dead, but he has suffered a major concussion and it's proving difficult for Jin to wake him up.

"Jungkook, hyung is here. Hyung will help you." Jin holds the younger male in his arm, lightly tapping on his cheek in hopes that he wakes up. "Please Jungkook, please wake up." Yoongi can hear the pain in Jin's voice, Namjoon too.

Yoongi watches as Namjoon places his hand above Jungkook's head, then a small light glows from his palm, entering into Jungkook. Yoongi is surprised that Namjoon still has some strength left, even after using it to fight him and the undead.

It lasts for a few seconds, then the human slowly opens his eyes, squinting up at Jin and Namjoon, with a breathless groan leaving his lips as he rubs the back of his head.

Jin helps him sit up, telling him to take it easy as he leans Jungkook against his shoulder.

"Hyung...where is Jimin and Taehyung?" is the first thing Jungkook asks as he looks around, not seeing his boyfriend's anywhere.

Jin looks to Namjoon, both not sure of the answer since they both are thinking the same.

Even Yoongi wonders what happened to Jimin and Taehyung. He can't feel Taehyung's demonic energy, nor Jimin. And then he realizes Soojin wasn't here either, leaving only thing left behind is the burn scar of a pentagram on the ground.

Hoseok and Dawon's sobs grab his attention again, both the Jung siblings crying their hearts out over Hanzo's body.

Yoongi couldn't handle it anymore.

He needed to be there for them.

Yoongi approaches the Jung siblings. "Sunshine." he reaches his hand to touch Hoseok's shoulder, but Dawon screams at him.

"GET AWAY FROM US!" she sneers with so much hatred in her eyes that Yoongi practically chokes on it.

Hoseok turns around to face Yoongi, wide eyed while giving the demon a once over glance. "Yoongi, why are you still in your Agust D form?" he asks.

It takes a moment for the demon to realize it as he looks down at himself, still having that long blonde hair and wearing that black and gold outfit. He doesn't know why he's still in that form, he thought he was already back to his normal self.

"I..I don't know, sunshine." he tells Hoseok as he tries to turn back to his regular form, but nothing happens.

"Keep him away from us!" Dawon seers at the demon, clutching her child to her chest. "It's his fault! It's all his fault!!"

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