± Save Me ±

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"Tell me that you love me sunshine, let me hear it one last time."

"I love you so much sunshine."

"I'll die for you Hoseok."

"Promise me that we'll be together forever."

"I promise Yoongi." 

Have you ever been in a dream where you felt like you are flying? That's what Hoseok is experiencing when he feels the cold air brush through his hair while his body remains immobile, caught within a grip of something holding him tight.

He still believes he is dreaming when he opens his eyes and catches a glimpse of what appears to be black wings, perhaps from an angel sent to retrieve his soul.

After all, he was sure he had died when Yoongi threw him off the roof, though, he doesn't remember hitting the ground.

But he wishes he did.

He wishes it so much because death would be so much more bearable than the awful pain his heart is going through. The pain of heartbreak.

"You're lucky I got to you in time. A second later and you'd be dead." A familiar deep voice speaks to him.

Hoseok shifts his gaze from the wings, over to the face of the person who spoke to him. He sees it's Taehyung, but with really long hair.

Weakly, Hoseok lifts his hand and caresses the side of Taehyung's face, his mind trying to piece together whether this is all real or not.

It's not like it matters anyways, his heart is numb from losing the love of his life.

"Taehyung...he's gone...my Yoongi is gone." Hoseok faintly whispers before passing out.

A singe of remorse squeezes at Taehyung's heart, knowing how much pain Hoseok is in.

When he felt Yoongi's demonic energy rise, he knew something was wrong and came as quickly as possible. He made it just in time when Yoongi threw Hoseok off the roof, and flew down to save Hoseok. When he flew back up to the roof top, Yoongi was already gone and his demonic energy completely vanished too.

"Don't worry Hoseok, we'll get him back." Taehyung assures him as he flies over the park, being sure to keep out of eye sight from the humans before quietly landing in the shadows of the trees.

He takes a moment to retract his wings into his back, the feeling sends chills down his spine, making him groan in pleasure. He then lays Hoseok next to a tree and thinks of what to do next.

"I need to take him somewhere safe." Taehyung looks down at Hoseok, who was mumbling Yoongi's name over and over with tears streaming down his cheeks. 

He can't even imagine the emotional pain Hoseok must be without Yoongi. Losing someone precious hurts, Taehyung knows the pain all too well when he lost Jimin and Jungkook. 

"Jimin and Jungkook." A sudden idea comes to mind, sparking Taehyung's connection to the humans. With his powers back, it was so much easier to sense their presence. He smiles at first when he senses Jungkook, but then it fades when he senses something off about Jimin. 

"I have to go to them, they need me." He tells himself as he picks up Hoseok and closes his eyes. He gets himself ready to disappear, but a jolt of pain shoots through his shoulder, triggering the branch markings to scatter further down his neck and chest.

"Fuck." Taehyung holds it together, fighting back the pain and focusing his powers to teleport.

Finally a black mist shrouds around his and Hoseok's bodies before disappearing into the mist.

Tainted S2 [Yoonseok ff]Where stories live. Discover now