± The Devil's Visit ±

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"So there I was, minding my own business, kimchi sauce on my tiddies, when Mr. small dick decides to text me for a booty call."

It was yet another uneventful night at the gas station, with the clock just barely reaching ten. Since it rained, not many customers came by, which was a silent blessing in Namjoon's part because he didn't have to deal with asshole customers, but the downside was it made the the entire day drag out slowly, making him already want to slam him head against a brick wall.

Luckily Jessie was around to lighten the mood, even if all she talks about is late night hook ups and that one particular man with a small dick.

Honestly, Namjoon was used to it since Taehyung basically talks about sex too.

Hmm, maybe he should introduce them...

"Hello? Earth to Namjoon?!" Jessie snaps her fingers in front of Namjoon's face, earning a glare for him. "You've been spacing out all day, are you okay?"

Aside from the boredom, Namjoon had that fallen angel problem to deal with. He wasn't successful in summoning the devil and he wasn't sure how to summon god. Praying wouldn't possibly work, despite what he told Yoongi. All that has been on his mind, thus causing him to constantly space out.

"I'm fine." He says with a forced grin, not wanting Jessie to start asking him a bunch of nosey questions. "I'm just bored."

"Bitch me too!" Jessie throws her hands up with a irritable sigh. "But at least I'm trying to lighten the mood. All you've been doing and staring out the window looking bothered. Am I really that boring?" The way her tone falls, Namjoon can tell she feels bad.

"No, it's not you Jessie. I...just got alot on my mind." He admits, but keeps it vague.

Jessie rolls her eyes with a click of her tongue, giving Namjoon and once over glance, lingering her eyes alittle more on his crotch. "If you are bored, we can hook up real quick in the backroom."

"For the tenth time, No." Namjoon glares at her. She's been wanting to get into his pants ever since she started working with him. She's really just like Taehyung.

Jessie puts her hands up in defense. "Fine, damn Namjoon you know I'm just playing with ya." She says this, but she keeps her eyes on his crotch a little longer before Namjoon grabs a magazine and covers himself.

"So how is your music coming along? Did you get more fans?" Namjoon asks, changing the subject entirely.

A spark ignites in Jessie's eyes as she takes out her phone and shows him the soundcloud page, pointing at a few more people who followed her.

"guccitaexoxo is still my number one fan, and as a token of my appreciation, I made him a song!" She presses play on her phone, and a string of melodies start playing before her rap begins.

"I feel like Gucci."


"It's Gucci bitch." Jessie says through a fit of laughter. It's just that she said it so fast in English that it was so easy to misinterpret the lyrics.

Namjoon rolls his eyes with a smile, the tension he was feeling slowly diminishing as they listen to her song. Jessie still insists they do a rap together, but Namjoon keeps on refusing her, saying it just wasn't his thing.

"We gotta get you a rap name. Something that fits you." Jessie points out, staring at Namjoon closely. "You got a monster dick, so we gotta put monster in it."

Namjoon just about face palms, but he resists the urge and just goes along with it and looks out the window incase a customer shows up. "Let me guess, you're gonna name Rap Monster?" Namjoon laughs at his own humor.

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