± Bad Bitch is a Witch ±

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Minnie questions Namjoon's actions when they both arrive at a random forest just a few miles near the North Korean border. 

Namjoon scoffs at her. "Of course I do." he says, taking the lead and walking into the forest. "Five hundred years ago, this place was once a bustling village. I used to come here to relax and drink at the tavern." 

Minnie does not see what he's talking about. All around them are just trees and rocks, with no signs of there ever being a village to begin with. 

"It got destroyed during a war." Namjoon adds on when he notices her confusion. "But before that happened, I met a Mage who lived in a small hut around here."

"A Mage?" Minnie was interested. She's heard of Mages from Soojin, but she's never actually met one. Supposedly they are very powerful humans who are skilled in magic and spells. There isn't much of a difference between them and sorceress, except Mages were known to live alone in forests and dwindle with the forest creatures.

Namjoon nods. "His name is Urb. I met him one night while my friends and I were looking for shelter from a storm." Namjoon pushes aside the bushes and branches, the further into the forest they go, the more lighter the air feels, and colder too.

"He was very welcoming, and very knowledgeable too. He taught me alot."

"So he was like a mentor?" Minnie asks as she keeps up with Namjoon, pushing away the branches from her hair.

"More or less." Namjoon replies, holding up a branch so she can pass by. 

Minnie stares at him, not used to such a kind gesture from a man, but she passes him by, still felling very cold from the air around them. "And how do you know if he's still alive? I thought Mages were humans."

Namjoon smirks. "He was twice my age when I met him. He's been around since B.C." Minnie blinks in shock, Namjoon chuckles. "Mages use spells to keep themselves alive for long periods of time." 

"Isn't that kinda like cheating death?" Minnie asks, wrapping her arms around her body as the air gets even more colder. 

"In a way." Namjoon says, then looks ahead and smiles widely. "We are here."

Minnie follows his gaze, looking over to a small stone cottage tucked within a meadow. Moss coated most of it's walls, as well as thick vines weaving along the wooden beams that make up the roof of the cabin. Smoke arises from a small chimney, indicating the cabin is occupied. Along the sides of the cabin are small blue flowers, some that Minnie has never seen before. 

"Those are called Smelrado flowers." Namjoon points out to them. "They are very rare around these parts. Mages tend to use them for portions and spells. The back story behind them is quite sad actually." 

"Spare me the history lesson." Minnie mutters. "Is that Mage inside?"

Namjoon scoffs. "Of course he is." he walks up t the front door and gently knocks on it. 

Inside they can hear rustling of papers and moving of chairs, followed by someone rigorously coughing and wheezing, then finally slow footsteps approaching the door. "Who dares disrupt me?" an old man's voice calls from behind the door. 

"Urb, it's me, Kim Namjoon."

"Kim Namjoon?" a sound of a lock clicks out of place, then the door opens with a groan, revealing an very old man with braided white hair that reaches down to his knees, and wearing a brown monks robe.

He squints at Namjoon with one eye, the other is fully clouded, indicating he's blind in that eye. "Namjoon?" He tilts his head. "Is that really you?"

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