± Little Devil ±

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"Eomma? Eomma where are you?" Hanzo calls out, his tiny little voice echoes down the long corridors and off the walls.

The poor child is lost and confused, having no idea where he is or how he even ended up there.

All Hanzo can remember is playing with his Mang and Shooky dolls while his mother was making dinner. He remembers a woman crawling out of his closet, saying she was a friend of Yoongi and wanted to play. After that she blew him a kiss and he fell asleep, vaguely remembering seeing his uncle and Yoongi.

When the child woke up again, he found himself in a strange room that looked like it was part of an historical kdrama his mom likes to watch. Even his clothes looked like they belonged in that time period, which further confused Hanzo.

"Eomma? Uncle Hobi? Meow meow?!" The child call from them as he wanders down the hall, until he comes to a stop at a large mirror.

What he sees in the mirror makes him take a step back in shock, his small lips parting with a faint gasp. In the mirror, he sees his reflection, and in that reflection he sees small little horns poking out of his head.

Hanzo touches his head, and indeed he does have small horns, which was odd but very scary to him.

"No! Go away!" He taps the horns with his hands, hoping they will magically go away. But they remain on his head, and that makes the child cry in frustration. The child then yanks at his little horns, but only ends up whining in pain since they are literally attached to his skull.

"Why do I have these!" He pulls and tugs, but no matter how hard he tries, his horns wont go away, and that makes Hanzo cry for his mother.

"Eomma!! Uncle Hobi! Meow meow!! I'm scared." Hanzo bawls his little frustrated heart out as he runs down the hall, hoping to find his family.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" A loud female voice screams at him.

Hazo stumbles and falls to his knees, scraping them along the wooden floor. "Owie..." he whimpers, but the pain only lasts a few seconds before it heals on its own. He then looks up and sees the person who yelled at him.

It was the woman who wanted to play with him, Minnie, and she gives Hanzo a look of disgust as she approches him with her hands on her hips.

"Such a pest. Can't you keep quiet for one fucking minute? My mistress is asleep." The succubus snarls at the frightened child.

Soojin was resting in her chambers after using too much of her magic.

After Yoongi threw Hoseok off the roof, she opened a portal and transported them back to the palace ruins. From there she used her magic to create a barrier around the ruins. From the outside it appears to be barren and ruined, but inside the barrier everthing was back to how used to look a thousand years ago.

"Where is my family?" Hanzo asks Minnie with such a small and frail voice. Of course he's scared, but he tries to find the courage in him and wipes away his tears.

He's gotta be a bad ass, just like Yoongi taught him.

Minnie rolls her eyes with a scoff drifting off her tongue, then glares at Hanzo. Soojin ordered her to watch the child while she rests and children were not Minnie's favorite.

"They are dead." She tells him, and the child shakes his head in denial.

"You're a liar!" Hanzo points his tiny finger at her. "Meow meow told me liars go to hell!"

That little outburst actually made Minnie laugh.

"I don't know who the fuck is this meow meow you speak of, but I'm not going to allow you to talk to me like that." Minnie grabs Hanzo's wrist and starts pulling him back to the room he came from.

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