± Realm of the Forgotten ±

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When Jimin opens his eyes, he sees a crimson colored sky above, with fluffs of earl grey clouds drifting slowly into the distance.

The air is thick and humid, with the smell of wet grass and rain drilling into his nostrils, making him grimace.

His body feels light, almost weightless, as if he's floating on clouds. But his clothes are drenched, and Jimin realizes he's floating on water, more specifically, down a river.

Jimin doesn't remember how he ended up drifting down a river. All he can recall is talking to Taehyung before being throw aside by a demonic force, then Taehyung and the fallen angel descending into a red ocean. He remembers screaming for Taehyung, then being dragged into the red ocean, where he was engulfed by the red sea of screams.

He quickly passed out, not knowing if he was dead or not until he woke up on the river.

Luckily the water isn't deep as Jimin swims to a sandy river bank on the side. He trudges out of the water, his body feeling like it was slapped by a bag of bricks.

All he can see around him are trees, some being palm trees while other pine or oak. He looks like he's in a mix between the forest and a jungle. It doesn't make any sense.

Carefully he walks through the environment, keeping his arms to himself in fear of touching something gross as he spots a large spider the size of a cat climbing up a tree.

Briskly he makes his way through the trees, until he finds an old cobblestone road with an arrow pointing east and a sign written in a strange language underneath it.

There isn't anywhere else he can go, leaving the only option Jimin has is to follow the sign and hope he can find Taehyung and somehow return home.

"Where are you Taehyung." Jimin lets out a haggard sigh as he proceeds down the path, following the arrows direction. 

He walks for about ten minutes, quietly taking in the strange scenery around him, wondering if this is hell. He eventually comes across a stone bridge, where just beyond in the distance, he sees a large mansion.

Its strange since it's such a modern looking structure among the non modern world around him.

"Taehyung has to be in there." He tells himself as he runs across the bridge, making his way down a paved road leading to the mansion.

As he gets closer, he spots a large metal gate covered with thick vines that block the path into the mansion.

"Of fucking course." Jimin huffs out deeply as he looks around for another way in, but the entire perimeter has a large nine foot wall that outstretches into the trees. Jimin could follow the wall, but it would be a waste of his time.

Just then, the sounds of shouting echo from behind. Jimin turns around and nearly screams at a hoard of creatures approaching the mansion gates.

All of them looked as if they came straight out of a horror movie, although some did look human.

Jimin runs and hides behind the trees, watching as the hoard approaches the gate. They were speaking in a strange languages, while some were speaking in English, mainly being the humans.

There was one that spoke in Korean, a tall man with long black hair and a red warriors outfit. His face was very broad and stoic, eyes narrowed and stern with a flaming charisma. He was speaking to another man, a short blonde with bat wings on his back. Both of which were at the back of the hoard.

"It's been centuries since anyone has entered this realm." The man with the black hair says.

"Really? Well I've only been here for a year." The blonde shrugs.

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