± An Evil Awakening ±

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"Are you sure this is a good idea Yeonjun?" Taehyun, Yeonjun's friend from school, timidly asks as he follows the older male down a barren path that leads into what appears to be a large courtyard covered in dirt and dead grass.

Them two, along with their friends HueningKai and Beomgyu, all decided to hang out around an old historical site that was rumored to be a palace once; The idea being orchestrated by the oldest of the group, Yeonjun.

The aforementioned male stops and turns to his friend, half smiling at him with a soft look in his eyes. "It's fine Taehyun, I've been here hundreds of times. This place is safe."

"Yeah, but I saw a sign that says to keep out." HueningKai, the youngest but tallest of the group speaks up from behind Taehyun. "If you've been here so many times, then what's so dangerous that they had to put up a keep out sign?" He adds while glancing around the courtyard, having sworn he saw a human skull peeking out from underneath the dirt, but putting it aside believing his eyes are playing tricks on him.

"I heard a rumor this place is cursed. That could be the reason." Beomgyu comments, taking note on all the decrepit paper seals that were falling limp off the walls and the rubble remains of what looks to be a imperial soldier's uniform poking out from the grass.

HueningKai shrieks where he stands and holds into Taehyun who is unfazed by Beomgyu's words. "Is it true hyung!? Is this place cursed?" He asks Yeonjun.

The older male scoffs while throwing a glance at Beomgyu then to HueningKai. "This place isn't cursed. They put the sign up so the local punks wont sneak in here to vandalize the place." He says as he leads them past the fallen gates and into an area that looks to have been once a shrine.

Yeonjun leads them further on until they stop at an alter hidden behind a veil of vines. This section of the shrine was darker, and oddly colder than the rest of the area, giving all the guys chills and goosebumps.

"You say you've been here hundreds of times, why?" Beomgyu asks as he takes in the decayed leaves that litter the floor.

"I come here when I want to spend time alone, but I figured I'd bring you guys along to hang out." Says Yeonjun as he stops just before the altar, where the air has gone so cold he could see his own breath. "I also want to play a game with you all." He says, setting down his backpack upon the altar and opening it up. "Are you guys ready?" He turns around with a Ouija Board in his hands.

"Oh hell no!" HueningKai shouts, moving far away from Yeonjun and the Ouija Board. "Why did you bring that!!?"

"Yeah hyung, didn't you know messing with a Ouija Board is bad news?" Taehyun comments feeling uneasy about the whole situation as he too backs away from the board.

"You guys actually believe that?" Beomgyu lets out a scoff as he joins Yeonjun's side and looks at the board. "I've played this with my cousins and this thing never works."

"Still doesn't mean its bad fucking news." Taehyun mutters, HueningKai nods in agreement.

"Guys relax. This is harmless, trust me I've played with the Ouija Board too and nothing ever happened to me." Yeonjun sets the board onto the altar and takes out a few candles from his backpack.

He lights up the candles and sets them around the board, already they flicker yet there wasn't any wind present.

"I don't know, this feels like a bad idea." HueningKai mumbles, with one foot near the exit, ready to leave.

"Don't be such a pussy Kai, this is gonna be fun." Yeonjun motions for the three to come closer as he sets the planchette down on the board. "Come now, let us begin." He says, placing his hand on the planchette.

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