Chapter 16: The World Has Shut Me Out

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Barry's eyes start to water. He uses his hands to wipe them before they fall. He runabout the back of his neck and sighs. "That was a lot."

Caitlin walks up to Barry and touches his shoulder. "It's okay, Barry." Caitlin says. "She will come back. Just let cool down."

"Yeah I just didn't expect a huge and frustration argument can come from..." Barry trails off.

"She's an intelligent girl." Dr. Wells comments.

"It's all about getting your point crossed and feelings felt." Caitlin explains.

"What did she mean by she's a weapon?" Barry asks.

"Well Andi is powerful..." Caitlin trails off.

"And she's smart." Cisco adds.

"I'm sure she doesn't want to feel as if we're using her." Dr. Wells finishes.

"We're not using her she's a person-" Barry says.

"Who has powers that can make her indestructible." Dr. Wells interrupts Barry.

Realizing everything she mentioned about her being used as a weapon comes back. Guilt and sympathy run through his mind. How could she feels this way? What could make Andi feel like she's being used? Why would Andi fear to be a weapon? She is Andi Brave. She is a person. But Barry knows she's more to him.


Thoughts run through Andi's head. They change quickly as if she changes channels in her mind. I am a monster. I'm a weapon. I was meant to be used just for my powers. I don't know if I was awaken for me or for my powers.

Andi collapses on the hard ground. She sits up, hugging her legs as hard as she can, close to her stomach. She cradles herself in a ball, hiding her face in her hands. Tears pour out of her eyes staining her checks. The burning feeling hurts her eyes but she only focuses on the salty tears falling on her lips.

"I am too dangerous to be here." Andi whispers shallowing her tears.

As she sits for a few minutes, crying until no more tears can come, she feels a cold shadow right on her. "Done crying?" A dark male voice says above her.

Once she looks up, she sees familiar faces. There's only enough time for Andi to open her mouth, to say something or maybe even scream, but once she barely thought of what to do, it's too late. She can't stop the darkness from shallowing her up.

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