Chapter 1: Impossiblites

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If I told anyone my story, they wouldn't believe it, Barry thinks to himself. Unless they believe in the impossible. Barry believes in the supernatural and the unthinkable. Trying to convince the world and the people closest to him about the impossible is something he feels like he has to do ever since he was a child.

An eleven year-old child had to go through a tough part of his life. One night, he experienced something that changed his life, that changed his beliefs. That child saw his mother in the middle of a circle with a glowing flash of light. Soon he figured out the light surrounding his mother was a person. But the person was running too fast to take good look at him.

He called out for help. He begged for his mother's safety. His father told him to leave, to get the help he needed. Which only lead to his father being arrested as they claimed he is responsible for his wife's murder. While police escorting Henry Allen out with cuffs on his wrists, his son, Barry Allen, had to watch his innocent father be ripped from him. His only family left, taken away.

Where does he go to live? What will he do since he is now the son of a murderer? What will Barry say to his father, his only friend, Iris West, and the rest of the world? One man, Joe West, Iris's father, will take him in, and raise Barry as his son.

Joe was there for him. Joe made sure there was "nothing to be afraid of" from the dark, He taught him how to shave, how to drive, and even how to flirt with girls. (Well hopefully, guess we will have to see about the flirting. Well haven't you seen him in the picture? Joe must of raise him right.) After college, he previously has a job as a forensic scientist at Central City Police Department. While Joe is known as Detective West. Barry will not stop at no cost to prove his father's innocence.

Barry has met Oliver Queen, who discovered his secret as The Arrow of Starling City. He was there at a life-or-death situation for when The Arrow was poisoned. Barry saved the crime-fighter of Starling City.

He made another friend, (thankfully female) Felicity Smoak. He searched his resources to find The Arrow and find some hope for him to help find his mother's killer. No luck while his visited Starling City. Although, he gained trust of Oliver and formed a special bond of friendship with Felicity. He left back to Central City, for his job after the Captain of the Police Department finds out he left without permission.

Along with Barry as he is already grown up. His best friend Iris works at a coffee shop called Jitters. Although she works as a journalist which by Barry's advice lead her to that field. One special night (especially for Barry) the S.T.A.R. Labs's particle accelerator was going to generate, an accident with the machine made him the impossible.

As the machine created a storm, lighting came which had struck Barry from his lab. (Which was Barry shocking) Nine months he spent in a coma. His loved ones were worried. Felicity checked on him throughout his transfer to S.T.A.R. Labs by Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, and Harrison Wells known as Dr. Wells. But once he wakes up, the adventure of testing more impossibilities comes in a flash for Barry.

Once they discovered Barry has received the ability of super speed, they start to test it out. After he injuries his wrist which heals only in three hours, he has another ability which involves a fast healing process. After he spends time with Joe and Iris since he woke up, he had gotten into some trouble seeing Iris at her work.

He noticed how fast he was going, everything around him slowed down. Meanwhile Iris and Barry were taking a stroll, a fast moving vehicle was heading towards them both, but luckily Barry protected Iris. He ran into a familiar face of a man who was claimed dead from the accident with the particle accelerator. Ever since then he wanted to stop crime at Central City like his inspiration The Arrow.

By a leather suit (or "polymer fabric" which would Barry say) and a name given to Barry by Cisco, he becomes a superhero. The Flash. From saving a kitten in a tree to people trapped in a burning building, he'll be there in a flash. For now, could any more strange events affect this adventure.

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