Chapter 13: Growing Abilities

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The next day, after Barry came back from saving the family using his speed, Andi took some inspiration to try to use hers. If she doesn't want to be dangerous, she can learn to use them for good.

I just have to learn to keep control, Andi tells herself.

Andi closes her eyes, she stretches her arms in front of her, spreads out her hands, and cups her fingers. She leaves a blank space in her mind to let her surroundings shut her out. She can feel herself draw her energy towards her hands. Her blood flow towards her arms and can feel the rush of heat strike her head.

As she opens one eye, Andi wonders if she should be afraid of what she would see. Once she decides to see what she did, she sees two balls of white light floating above her hands. Then she opens her other eye. She drops her hands watching the balls of light still floating.

Andi pushes the sleeves up of her black sweater up to her elbow and rubs her palms against her violet red skinny jeans. She cracks her knuckles then narrows her eyes on the light.

Now if I can-

"What the!" Barry shouts surprised from the doorway of the room Andi's in.

Andi lifts her open hands and sucks the light back into her hands. When each ball of light hits her hand, it feels like she's numbness in her fingers. She turns back to Barry slipping her hands in her back pockets, remembering her sweater doesn't have any.

"How much did you see?" She asks, biting her teeth.

"Enough to see what you can do!" Barry replies with cheer in his voice.

"Hope you enjoy the show because there are no refunds." Andi jokes.

Barry hands her a cup of coffee he bough for her from 'Jitters'. She thanks him and takes a sip noticing it's a carmel cappuccino. She smiles knowing that Barry knew it's one of her favorites.

"Oh come one Andi," Barry responds while lifting his shoulders. "You saw what you just did, and I did too. You hide they fact you're starting to learn control of your powers." With Barry holding the cup in his left hand, he points his index finger at her.

"Whoa Barry that's too much excitement there! Did you get a large size coffee and leave me with a small?" Andi asks rhetorically trying to calm him down. "That was just something I did. Like taking a bunny out of a hat. That was nothing compared to what I can really do."

"The important thing is that you're getting used to using your powers." Caitlin says from her desk.

"Speaking of powers," Cisco brings up another topic. "I think I found what Barry's new villain is."

"Well are you going to tell us or wait until we have to read it ourselves." Andi comments sarcastically.

"He's not a meta-human."

Andi takes her next sip of coffee and forgets how to swallow properly. She starts coughing as the coffee gets it's way down her throat. Barry watches Andi coughing and sees her eyes turn pink.

"What?" Andi coughs with her burning throat.

"The flame thrower was his weapon." Barry acknowledges. "I knew it."

"That's why the flames has a massive temperature and had the ability to grow such a tremendous size." Caitlin explained.

Barry looked at Caitlin confused. "You could of just said he was able to use the flame thrower to control the flames."

"And that's got me thinking of a name for him." Cisco tells everyone.

"What, Flame Thrower Guy?"

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