Chapter 28: Based On Reality, I Know This Is True

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Time has swept by for everyone in Central City. It was what some people needed, what some people hated, and some people worship it. Those type of people are Barry and Andi especially when they had their moment on the rooftop.

Andi spent time to focus on her life. The life she is currently living with extraordinary powers that forces her to start over from the life she once knew. First, by her home. She is moving her old things and new things-anything she actually owns, into her new apartment. Along with getting used to her job at S.T.A.R. Laboratories. With her best friends as co-workers, she know she will be a perfect cooperator.

Barry has spent the past days to continue his training as the Flash. Though it even lets him spend more time with Andi. Nevertheless, his works at his real job that he gets paid for; a crime scene investigator.

For one half of the pair, the unstoppable pair, an inch has been been attached to them. As if it's a nightmare that haunts them. Only the person kept it a secret from everyone around them. Andi still saw Dr. Wells stand inside a secure room figuring out he kept it a secret. But what other secrets is he hiding?

Andi just wants the truth. It could take the heaviness off her chest. All of these questions she is keeping to herself is too much to carry. It's time to ask about what she knows or figure out for herself. Either way, it's going to be hard and dangerous.

By the time she reaches the room, she notices Dr. Wells leave which gives her a chance to slip inside. When entering, she can feel herself trapped somewhere without air. A disturbance around her, forcing her to feel uncomfortable.

Holy smokes... Andi curses in her mind. Where to start investigating?

Andi thinks of looking for the article at that minute. Maybe seeing it agin could lead her to figure out what she saw Dr. Wells to react the way he did. How does she bring it up if it came from the wall as a hologram? What if there is anything else he's hiding in the room? All that Andi knows is that she has to spend her time wisely before she gets caught.

What did he do? Andi asks in her mind.

Looking around the room gives her an idea of what to do. Andi places her hand on one of the walls. She sends her mind into place as the scene transports her body to what's it happened. In the scene, Dr. Wells is ordering some computer system named Gideon to bring up an article of Barry and herself supposedly being honored with an award.

Once Andi is done looking back at the memory, she uses another power to change her voice to match Dr. Wells. "Gideon, show me the future." Andi commands in his voice.

It obeys her command.

The hologram of the article is brought up. Front page, it read the same thing it did last time. Andi starts to form questions in her head; Why would he watch over this? Does Barry have to do something about this? What does this mean? Just in time, Andi is able to finish reading the article She uses her power to order the computer system to shut off the hologram right when the door to the entrance opens.

"Hello, Andi." Dr. Wells greets her mysteriously. "It took less then I thought it would for you to find this room."

Andi slowly turns around. Her palms start to sweat along with her feet plant on the ground. She knows he is blocking the only entrance and exit. There was no escaping him. This was the dangerous part of finding out the unknown knowledge on her own. Dr. Wells now knows she was spying on him.

Dr. Wells walks inside without his wheelchair around. He evilly grins at her like fresh meat. It only causes more chills to runs down Andi's spine. Andi opens her mouth to ask something simple as 'why', but before she could talk, Dr. Wells takes a step closer. "Before you ask any questions, or decide to escape, you should have some explanation."

Andi balls her hands into fists at her both sides. She tilts her head toward his direction. "You're letting me know your secret?" She tries her best to be curious more then afraid. Andi watches Dr. Wells prepare a speech along as he starts to walk in a slow pace around her.

"My name is Eobard Thawne." He elaborates. "I've been stuck here from the future and this is my plan of getting back."

Andi turns back around to the wall in front of the stand. What about the newspaper? Dr. Wells notices where her attention lies. "You saw that." He observes.

"Why does this involve Barry?" She asks furiously. "How are you keeping track of the future? How are you keeping track of Barry as the Flash? Why would you be angry of him receiving an award for something good?"

"I knew you would have too many questions." Dr. Wells continues to elaborate. "It's why I didn't accept the fact you are unfit to be on my side with this."

"Why do I feel like it's something bad you're doing?" Andi questions as she folds her arms across her chest.

"Because your instincts are right." He agrees, "I promised myself ever since I got stuck on this. . .century. . .that Barry Allen would die."

Suddenly, the air in the room had thickened. Andi's full attention is pulled towards Dr. Wells. She glares at him with her eyes, shooting daggers at him. She opens her palms letting balls of light catch his eyes. "If this is some sick joke-"

Dr. Wells almost rips off his glasses when he takes them off. "Oh, this isn't some joke, Ms. Brave."

Andi changes her voice to a deep serious tone. "You're not going to get close enough to hurt him." Andi protects Barry. "Not on my account."

"I hoped you say that." Dr. Wells deeply chuckled. "That's where you come into this whole plot."

Andi steps closer to Dr. Wells while pointing a finger in his face. "Don't even think about me helping you kill someone I-"

"Care about?" Dr. Wells interrupted before Andi could finish. Andi drops her whole arm beside her, along with her angry glare. Love. Someone I love.

"You're a problem, Andi Brave."

"Oh, I'm a problem?" She repeats with an ironic tone of voice.

"I always knew once the cooling system broke, you and Mr. Allen would have the chance to collaborate." Dr. Wells mummers, slowly, "But I never expected this type of bond you would make with him."

"You did that?" Andi queried. "You planned for me to wake up?" I could have done something bad with my powers because of him. Otherwise if he didn't, I never would had met Barry.

"You were in the way of my plans." Dr. Wells confesses. "But instead, I risked it even more for you to become. . .something. . .much greater. Something more powerful then anything in this city, or on this earth even."

"You're overthinking it. I wouldn't be just powerful, I would be dangerous." Andi comments on his exaggerating details. "Why did you meant for Barry and I to meet? Since, I am powerful, I can just protect him, from you."

"I plan for you to fight him. To be beat him. To get him at his weakest point so when the time comes. . .I'll be much easier for me to kill him."

Andi's eyes widen for a short moment of hesitation. "Right." Andi scoffs. "I wouldn't let myself do that." Because I wouldn't control myself.

"You wouldn't have to think about it." Dr. Wells comments. Andi realizes he stopped walking as he stands behind her. Giving her access to walk to the exit or to teleport.

"When I leave," Andi starts, "How do you know I will keep this a secret?"

Dr. Wells grins at her with a look of a murderer. "Because you will forget."

He takes out a small device from his pocket. With his thumb, he presses a button triggers a soft sound coming around where Andi is standing. She can hear it like it's close, somewhere on her, maybe. Soon enough, Andi feels an ache coming from her head. Then that ache turns into a hard, painful squeeze almost like her brain is pressing against her skull. Then the pain just gets worse and worse. Andi didn't know how this could happen out of the blue. This had to be the worst headache she ever had.

She finds herself falling on her knees, holding her head in her hands. It feels like her brain is on fire. "What did you do to me?" She whispers, her lungs closing from the lump that forms in her throat.

"I made you a weapon." He answers, "My weapon."


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