Chapter 12: Return

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AN: Happy Birthday to Grant Gustin!

Andi continues to watch everyone's reaction to see if they're angry or worried. Barry waits for Dr. Wells of Caitlin to give a speech or lecture. Probably an angry lecture based on Caitlin's glare. Barry notices she always makes after he gets hurt from fighting a meta-human.

Here we go, Barry sighs in his mind

"You need to explain where you have both been the whole day!" Caitlin raises her voice as she tries not to over-exaggerate. "We have been worried. Andi could have been kidnapped or escaped and gotten hurt-"

"Escaped?" Andi interrupts, raising her voice at the same volume level as Caitlin's. "You're making it sound like it's a prison."

"You know you couldn't leave because of-"

"My powers, I know." Andi sighs with a grunt.

"Andi knew and she didn't want to leave," Barry explains. "But I convinced her."

Andi tries to stop him from taking the blame, "Barry."

"I was the one that took her outside. So we had a little adventure," Barry responds. "What's the harm in that."

"The harm is the unknown abilities Andi has," Dr. Wells mentions. "With no control, her abilities can effect anyone around her."

"I can learn to control them," Andi thinks out loud. "Just like Barry has."

"Your abilities will take time to adapt-"

"She can learn." Barry interrupts.

"Barry that's not what he meant." Caitlin calmly responds.

Andi thinks about the way Barry is defending her. He quickly says something back after they say something about her abilities. It doesn't seem much of offense but Barry keep objecting. They only know each other for the last days and Barry has already become her friend. He has been nice to her and is now standing for her.

Andi isn't afraid to stand up either. "What did you mean Caitlin?" Andi interjects. "This isn't some prison, I deserve to leave when I want."

"Did you knew the consequences?" Caitlin personally asks.

Without anger but surprise with Caitlin asking, Andi yells back, "Yes I knew the consequences!"

While Caitlin and Andi start their argument, Barry wants answers from Dr. Wells. He's surprised how much he's going into an argument. He still wants to defend Andi and have her not back down.

"Why are you more concerned about Andi's powers then Andi herself?" Barry asks Dr. Wells showing his anger lightly.

"Andi's powers are what we need to focus with along with yours, Barry." Dr. Wells replies trying not to argue.

"Um, guys." Cisco tries to stop the argument.

"Do you even care about me and Andi?" Barry asks with an angry expression on his face.

"You and Andi are talented people with extraordinary abilities. It also occurs to me that you received those abilities from accidents." Dr. Wells rephrases the words he used while scolding Barry. "We need you both to figure what they are."

"Well you already got Tony killed," Barry scowls. "I'm not going to let anything like that happen to Andi."

"Guys I kinda need your attention!" Cisco yells over their voices.

"What!" Everyone yells back in union.

"A family home is on fire." Cisco says.

Barry takes a step forward to regain his balance. He turns to Andi but notices she was already looking at him. "I guess I have to go."

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