The Annoing Hang Out

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Author's Note: I'm really sorry for the long wait. I started doing texting stories on YouTube which are like these just shorter and in texting form in case you wanted to check those out too. My username on YouTube is Descendantsfan03 and those have been taking a lot of time. I promise I'll try to spend equal time on them for now on and I have a week off of school starting today, so I should be posting more. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you all thought.
As soon as Evie made it back to the dorm Mal didn't even hesitate as she ran over to her. "So did you get any information or not!" Mal asked Evie who just laughed as she looked at Mal. "I did get some information..." Evie started to say, but got interrupted when a girl showed up at their dorm.
Mal immediately smiled as she turned her attention to the girl as she recognized her right away. "Jane! Hey come in! Tell me did you talk to your mom! Did she answer! Please tell me what happened!" Mal rambled out as she couldn't control herself.
Evie winced a little when she realized how suspicious and crazy Mal must have sounded to Jane, but it was too late to change it now.
Evie just sighed as she decided she could just tell Mal about the information she got later as she quickly put her ditzy act back on and sat down at her sewing station deciding to get some sewing done while she waited for Jane to leave.
"So what did she say! Tell me!" Mal screamed out as her patience was almost none. Jane just sighed as she looked at Mal. "Mom said if a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it," Jane began to rant out making Mal lose interest as she realized Jane would be no help.
Mal just completely zoned her out after that as she didn't care about Jane's rambling and she just wanted the wand and only the wand. Mal just sighed as she pretended to draw while in reality she was trying not to fall asleep again.
Mal just didn't get it. It wasn't even that late, so she shouldn't be so tired, but for some reason she was. Evie sighed as she allowed Jane to keep rambling as she didn't want to be rude even though she could already tell that Mal had lost interest.
With Mal really being a baby her brain couldn't focus for too long unless it was something she was really interested in like Sesame Street for some reason. Evie sighed when she saw that Mal was starting to doze off and get a blank look and normally it would be fine, but Jane was now watching Mal in concern.
   "Hey Mal are you okay," Jane asked the girl in concern, making Evie immediately jump into action. "Yeah she's fine! She stayed up really late drawing again even though I told her she would regret it the next day!" Evie told Jane and luckily for Evie Mal was too out of it to call her out for lying.
Jane just nodded as she looked at Evie. "Oh okay good! Because I was scared for a little bit! She looked really out of it!" Jane told Evie as she started going back into her ranting. Evie just sighed when she saw that Mal was still out of it as she knew Mal needed to wake up more even though she didn't want to do this to her baby.
Evie wanted so badly to just let her daughter nap like she was supposed to, but she knew Mal needed to be more awake. "Mal! Do you like," Evie called out in her ditzy, but loud voice immediately snapping Mal awake as she went back to drawing.
"Yeah it's cute. Brings out your eyes," the baby in the teenage glamour told Evie as she hadn't really been paying attention, but didn't want Evie to know despite Evie already knowing.
Evie just internally sighed as she knew she would have to keep her stupid ditzy act up more. "I know!" Evie ditzly told Mal as she needed Mal to think she actually meant that and not that she was just trying to keep her awake to avoid suspicions.
Evie wanted to die when Jane brought up never getting a boyfriend as she just knew where this conversation was heading. Evie wanted so badly to tell Jane not to talk about that, but it was too late and she was supposed to be a boy obsessed flirt.
Evie internally sighed when she heard Mal continue with the conversation and Evie knew she would have to step in and act like Mal's ditzy boy obsessed friend and not her mom that hated even the thought of her baby going out on a date.
  "Ugh boyfriends are overrated," Mal told Jane as she didn't really understand what a boyfriend was as her brain couldn't process that, but Mal didn't want Jane or Evie to know that. Evie just groaned as she knew what she had to do as she put on her ditzy smile.
"And how would you know M? You've never had one," Evie told Mal playfully and wanted to throw up at the thought of her baby actually having a boyfriend. Evie had to hold back her excitement and relieved feeling when Mal told her she didn't need a boyfriend.
Evie smiled when she realized she had the perfect way of getting out of the conversation as she remembered that annoying prince. She hated acting like this, but she knew it would change the subject and she wasn't really going to do it; she just had to make it look like she was.
"Oh no I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh no! Oh no no no!" Evie screamed out in her fake ditzy voice and sighed in relief when it worked as the conversation changed.  She was about to kick Jane out when the door opened again making Evie groan as she just wanted to talk to her daughter by herself, but people just wouldn't stop barging in.
Evie was far too busy to pretend to be interested in other people. She didn't even care about any of this. All she wanted was her baby back, but these annoying girls wouldn't stop trying to talk to them.
   "Hey guys I'm Lonnie," the annoying girl that barged into their dorm called out, making Evie groan as she continued to fake work on Chad's homework while Mal just got annoyed as she wanted peace and quiet, but these people wouldn't leave.
Mal just took a deep breath as she tried to ignore the annoy Lonnie just knowing she was about to lose control as her glamour was glitching again and now she was having a hard time not throwing a tantrum in front of everyone again and she still just didn't get why.
It got worse when Lonnie asked her to do her hair in which Evie could see Mal was about to lose it making her join in trying to keep Lonnie away from her clearly upset daughter, but Lonnie just pushed her away and looked at Mal.
   "No I want it cool like Mal's!" Lonnie told Evie with a bit of an attitude making Evie have to hold back her urge to kick this girl out right that second for acting that way around her, and to stop what was about to happen from happening, but it was too late as Mal was already on the start of a tantrum.
  "Why would I do that for you!" Mal screamed out making Lonnie hold up some money. "I'll pay you 50 dollars," Lonnie told Mal, making her get upset as she didn't care about money. "I don't care about that stupid stuff! And my magic doesn't even work right! It took me forever to get Jane's hair!" Mal screamed out as she couldn't control herself anymore.
Evie just sighed when she saw that Lonnie and Jane were staring at Mal in shock for how she had reacted. "Oh I'm so sorry for her reaction. Mal is a bit cranky because she stayed up late last night. She would love to help you," Evie told Lonnie as she knew it was wrong, but she did need the money.
Mal just groaned as she didn't want to help Lonnie and she just wanted to watch Sesame Street again. "Ugh fine!" Mal screamed out as she tried the spell again, but just like last time it didn't work.
"Ugh come one! Stupid magic just work! I can't do this! It won't work! I told you I suck at magic!" The baby in the teenage glamour screamed out making Lonnie and Jane stare in shock again while Evie internally groaned again as she gave up and she turned the TV on handing the remote to Mal.
Mal smiled as she immediately put on Sesame Street and became mesmerized by the show again. Evie then turned to her shocked friends.

"What! It calms her down! Anyway I will be happy to do your hair otherwise I recommend leaving because like I said Mal stayed up late last night and isn't herself right now," Evie told the girls hoping they would buy it and go home.
Just as Evie thought everything was fine again Jane spoke up as she watched Mal put on Sesame Street. "But why is she watching a baby show?" Jane asked Evie making Mal look up from her show in shock.
   "Sesame Street is for babies!" Mal screamed out and for some reason something inside of her didn't care, but she didn't get why that was. Either way she was upset.      

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