Entering Auradon

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Author's Note: I'm really sorry for taking so long to update this story, but it's been really hard lately to try and keep up with all five of my stories as I like to update and write them all simultaneously which takes a long time. I've also been distracted lately by making edits for my stories as I get good ideas for them, but they take forever and they take up all of my other time. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you guys thought.

  As soon as they made it out of the limo they were immediately greeted by a huge parade of Auradon citizens making them all immediately stand up tall and put on their best "innocent" smiles wanting to make a good impression in front of the Auradon citizens as they knew that it would be easier to trick them and steal the wand if they did.

     Not only did they do that, but Evie put on her best ditzy act falling back into the role that everyone expected her to play while Carlos put on his best nervous and scared look as he was expected to act that way with his mother being Cruella.

     They hated having to act that way, but they knew it was the only way to get what they wanted and they knew it was temporary. As soon as they could find a way to get their daughter back to her real age they could go back to being their normal selves. Plus they had to make Mal think that they were as determined as her to get the wand despite the fact that they didn't even care about getting the wand as all they wanted was their baby back.

       They were immediately brought back to reality when Mal smiled as she looked at the woman who had approached them as the lady introduced herself as Fairy Godmother. Mal was excited because she was closer to finding out about where the wand was, so she could steal it and make her "mother" happy and hopefully finally prove that she was a good daughter, so that her "mother" would finally acknowledge her.

        Mal just smiled as she looked at the fairy. "You're Fairy Godmother as in the Fairy Godmother. The one who has the magic wand. You know I always wondered what it was like for Cinderella when you just showed up with that sparkly magic wand. And that warm smile, but more importantly that sparkly magic wand," Mal told the fairy with her fake smile as her glamour was acting up again and she was unable to be patient as she wanted the wand and it was upsetting her that she didn't have it yet.

        The older three just stood by Mal not saying much as they were trying to not look suspicious despite the fact that they were pretty sure Mal's glamour was glitching again as she usually didn't make it so obvious that she was after something unless her glamour was acting up and she couldn't help herself because babies want something when they want it and they don't care about making a scene.

         They were honestly surprised that none of the Auradon citizens had noticed how suspicious and obvious Mal was acting as she had mentioned the wand at least three times in about one sentence, but they figured it had to do with them growing up in the goody goody Auradon where people are expected to be nice and see the good in others. However they grew up on the Isle where you were to not trust anyone if you wanted to live.

         They were brought back to reality once again when the fairy began to talk about moving on from the past which they could clearly see was upsetting Mal again as that had not been the answer that she wanted. Before they could say anything more the boy who had been standing by the fairy decided to introduce himself as the prince which immediately perked them all up as they knew that he could probably help them.

           Evie just internally sighed as she put on her ditzy flirty act as she walked over to him to keep up her act as the Evil Queen's daughter. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen which makes me a princess," Evie told the boy in her best flirty voice to keep up her act and make it look real despite how much she was cringing inside for acting so stupid and flirty with some boy she didn't care for as she didn't care for princes and she already secretly had a boy that she liked, but wouldn't admit it as she was afraid that he wouldn't like her back if he ever found out.

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