Tantrum Troubles

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When they finally made it to their new dorms Evie couldn't help, but look at the room in awe. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. Everything was bright and new. Nothing was covered in stains. She loved it so much, but she didn't get to enjoy the room much because her baby had been looking at the room in disgust as she had it drilled into her head by Maleficent that nice things were gross.

    "Ugh this place is so gross! And gosh would it kill them to close the curtains! I mean seriously who needs this much sun!" Mal screamed out as she was still not fully recovered from her tantrum just a few minutes ago. Evie didn't even hesitate as she ran to the curtains and shut them as quickly as she could to stop Mal from having a full blown tantrum because Evie had seen one before and it was not pretty.

      "Okay Mal calm down. The curtains are shut now. Is that better," Evie asked Mal hoping that her daughter would be satisfied with that and to her relief Mal was as she sat down on the bed and began to sketch a plan.

         Evie sighed as she hated seeing her daughter so invested in getting that stupid wand. She wanted to tell Mal to take a break and they can plan all together later when they meet up with the boys, but she had to keep acting like she was after the same thing as Mal even though she wasn't and she hated doing this.

          Evie just sat on her new bed and was surprised by how comfortable it was. It was amazing. Evie just smiled as she saw they had a Tv. They had a Tv on the Isle, but it didn't work unless there was an important event going on in Auradon, so they couldn't watch any actual shows. Evie was kinda curious what kind of shows she could watch.

           Evie turned on the Tv and started flipping through the channels to get a feel for what kind of things they showed in Auradon. Evie froze when Mal screamed out when Evie had scrolled past a show with a red looking monster puppet thing. "Wait Evie go back!" Mal screamed out as her glamour was still glitching and she wanted to watch the show that Evie had just passed.

           Evie immediately turned the other show back on and watched in shock as Mal put down her sketchbook as she stared at the Tv in awe. Evie was also shocked that not only was Mal not focusing on the plan anymore, but she was being mesmerized by what appeared to be a baby show.

            Evie immediately smiled as she realized what that meant. It meant that her baby was definitely still in there. Evie just laughed as she liked seeing the times that proved her baby was in there. Evie just smiled as she decided to not call Mal out on her watching a baby show because she was pretty sure Mal didn't even know that the show was for babies.

              After a few hours Mal had still yet to look away from the show. Evie just sighed as she turned off the Tv as they had to meet up with the boys. And she didn't like how much of a mindless zombie Mal was becoming as she had just been staring at the Tv not even moving and barely even blinking. It was honestly starting to scare her a lot.

              As soon as Evie turned off the Tv Mal began to start screaming and crying as she reached for the remote completely unable to control herself and Mal honestly didn't care. She wanted to watch her show again. "E give that back! I was watching that! Turn the Tv back on right now! That's an order from your leader! I'm ordering you to turn that back on right now or you will regret it!" Mal screamed out completely losing it as her glamour couldn't control herself anymore. She loved the show she had been watching and it was in the middle of a really entertaining part. Mal couldn't control herself as her real age was starting to show again as she had been watching her baby show.

             Evie just froze in complete shock as Mal had just flat out ordered her to do something as if she was just Mal's stupid minion. Evie wanted to scream and yell at Mal for disrespecting her own mom like that, but Evie had to remind herself that Mal didn't know what she was doing. Mal couldn't control herself; it was just her glamour glitching again and making Mal unable to control her emotions.

Evie's Tough JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now