A New Idea

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     Ben just took a nervous breath as he looked at the villain kids as he wasn't expecting them to look so protective when all he was doing was coming to check up on them. Evie looked like she was trying to kill him with her mind while Jay looked like he wanted to attack him and Carlos looked like he was holding back his urge to release Dude on him.

And Mal just looked uncomfortable and clearly not interested in him. Ben honestly didn't understand why they were looking at him like that and he just wanted to leave at this point, but it would look bad if he just showed up and immediately left.

"Oh um hey Mal I haven't seen you in school much and didn't really see the others either. I was just wondering if everything was okay and if you had any questions or anything," Ben rambled out nervously as he could tell he was unwanted there, but he had already done this to himself.

Mal just rolled her eyes at the creepy prince dude as the only thing she wanted was to be herself, but there was no way this dude could give her that and honestly she just wanted him to go away as soon as possible as he was really freaking her out.

His fake smile was just too uncomfortable for her to handle and she just wanted him to stop. "Oh um we're fine. And I just haven't been feeling the best lately, but I'm better now," Mal quickly told Ben who just nodded as he knew that was his cue to leave as Evie was still staring him down with her fake smile, but he could see behind her eyes that she was trying to threaten him with her look.

Ben didn't get why Evie was giving him that look as he had never done anything to her, but he figured that was just something she always did coming from the Isle and he figured he should just let it go and not make it worse. Just as he was leaving Mal's impulsiveness came out as she couldn't help herself.

It was like Mal didn't have control of her own thoughts as she just quickly started screaming out again. "Oh wait!" Mal quickly called out even though she had no clue what she was even going to ask for.

She couldn't ask for Ben to turn her back and she couldn't blow her cover even though Mal wanted to so badly. She wanted to just tell that creepy prince dude that she wanted something to make her herself again, but she just couldn't do it.

"Um is it true that we all get to go to your coronation," Mal quickly asked as she couldn't think of anything else to say and plus she still needed to keep the others off her trail and they all still believed that she wanted the wand for her kidnapper.

And yes Mal no longer considers that monster her mother she kidnapped her. She took her away from her family, abused her, and then did this to her. This was pure torture to have to be sixteen when she wasn't ready for that.

Nothing made sense to her and she couldn't take it anymore; it was becoming too much. Her brain can't comprehend anything, it just all gets jumbled up in her brain. Mal was brought out of her trance when she felt Evie's comforting hand as Evie noticed Mal looking lost again and wanted to comfort her again as she hated seeing her baby in distress even if she still didn't know who she really was.

Ben just nodded as he didn't really know what else to do. "Yeah the whole school gets to go," Ben told Mal who just nodded as she didn't really care anyway, but she had to keep acting like she did.

"Wow that is beyond exciting is there anyway that we could sit up front next to Fairy Godmother that way we can soak up all of that goodness," Mal quickly told Ben as she realized that they would be able to see Fairy Godmother up front and maybe Mal could finally ask what she really wanted to ask. Fairy Godmother is magical; she has to know how to turn her back.

Ben just sighed as he was still feeling uncomfortable and he didn't really know what to do because he wasn't allowed to let anyone up front with him unless they were his girlfriend and as much as he secretly liked Mal he already had a girlfriend even though she was kind of mean and petty sometimes.

Plus he was pretty sure Mal's friends would murder him if he asked Mal out. They seemed very protective of her and the last thing he wanted was to have three villain kids angry at him.

Ben felt bad, but he knew those were the rules and he wasn't king yet, so he couldn't change any rules. "I wish you could, but the only ones allowed up front are my parents and my girlfriend," Ben told Mal who smirked as she got an idea of how to get up front near Fairy Godmother.

All she would have to do is spell Ben and then she'll get to be up front. That idea sounded horrible to her, but she was desperate at this point plus maybe this will be enough to break Evie and Carlos and they'll tell her the truth so she doesn't have to keep pretending because she was sick of pretending.

Mal just looked up at her mom as she smiled a little. It was such a comforting feeling to know that her real mom was here for her and actually loved and cared for her unlike that kidnapper that never showed her love ever.

She wouldn't even look at her most of the time, but here her real mom was. All she had to do was put a comforting hand on her shoulder and all of Mal's distress would melt away. "M you okay," Mal heard as she looked up at Evie again who was giving her a worried look as Mal had been talking to Ben just fine a few seconds ago and now she was basically frozen in her place. Luckily they had managed to get Ben to leave right away but now they couldn't seem to break Mal from her trance.

"Oh um yeah I was thinking. I just thought of the perfect way to get what we want. I need a love spell," Mal told Evie and had to hold back her urge to launch herself on Evie and just cry as she just couldn't take this anymore. Evie just nodded as she pulled Mal closer to her making Mal smile again.

"Okay well then i'll do it," Evie quickly told the others as she didn't want Mal going out with a sixteen year old when she was really just a baby. That would be horrible for not just their baby, but for Ben too.

Mal shook her head no as she was just trying to get the others to break now and she was hoping this would be the breaking point. "No I have to do it. My um... my mom she's counting on me," Mal stuttered out as she didn't want to do this and she wanted to throw up calling her kidnapper her mom again, but she needed to keep playing pretend and she was really hoping they would say something and she wouldn't have to, but instead they all just hesitantly nodded as they still believed that Mal was oblivious to everything.

"Okay what do we do now," Evie asked the boys once Mal had passed out and they were sure she was out again. "What do you mean," the boys asked Evie who just sighed as she ran her fingers through Mal's hair.

"I mean are we really just going to let our baby spell some 16 year old and go on a date with him! What kind of parents are we!" Evie practically screamed out as she didn't want to wake Mal up but she was upset.

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