Maleficent's Plan Revealed

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Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It will be the last one on the Isle as my next chapters after this one will take place in Auradon from now on unless I decide to do some chapters of the villains on the Isle and how they feel about the core four being in Auradon since I think that would be cool to explore, but I'm not sure yet.

     When they reached Maleficent's "home" they all froze in fear when they saw that their parents were there too waiting for them. Maleficent just cackled as she shoved Mal down onto a chair and the other villain kids went to their parent's side knowing that it would be worse if they didn't. They had to keep up their act despite how much they wanted to help their baby who was clearly terrified, but trying to hide it knowing that if Maleficent saw her weakness she would be punished and Maleficent wouldn't care about doing it in front of others.

      "Mom what are we doing here? And why is it so important for us to go to Auradon with all of those prissy Auradon brats. Why do you want us to go so bad...?" Mal asked her "mother" as she didn't understand why Maleficent was so dead set on them going to Auradon. Her "mom" hated Auradon, so why was she forcing them to live there.

        Maleficent just cut Mal off as she slapped her. Making Mal cup her check and try not to cry as she knew that if her "mother" caught her crying and showing weakness she would get worse than just a slap to the face. She then just sat in the chair staying silent as she held her burning cheek. She was terrified of saying or doing anything else. Evie, Carlos, and Jay tried to get close to their baby, but were held back by their parents. Making them feel horrible since they couldn't comfort their scared little baby.

       "Quiet! I am in charge and you do as I say! Stop questioning me or it will be worse next time! Now I need you four to go to Auradon and bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand, so we can use it to get off this wretched prison and get our revenge! Auradon needs to pay for what they have done to us! And if you refuse I will torture all four of you and make you wish you were never born!" Maleficent screamed out making everyone freeze in fear.

         "Oh but they can't take my Carlos! I need him! He is the only one who can do my chores for me! I can't lose my puppy!" Cruella screamed out while squeezing Carlos close to her as she didn't care about getting revenge as long as she had her little slave with her. Carlos just stood there in both fear and shock not saying anything as he could barely even move.

         He was getting away from his mother and going to Auradon where they could turn their baby back, but now they had to steal a wand and get the villains off the Isle or Maleficent would kill them and Maleficent did not bluff. The thought of messing up this almost impossible task just completely terrified him. They couldn't afford to mess this up.

           "Yes and they can't take Jay either. I need him to steal for me," Jafar screamed out while looking at his son and sorting through the items that Jay had stolen. Jay just stood by his dad with his "cool guy" look crossing his arms as he had to keep up his tough whatever look, but he really did want to go to Auradon.

          He wanted to get to Auradon and live a better life with his niece as a baby again and his two friends with him getting to actually raise their baby as a family. He wanted to start a new life with his family and watch his niece actually get the chance to grow up instead of just going from a baby to a sixteen year old in the matter of seconds, but now Maleficent wanted them to steal something that would be hard to get even for an amazing thief like himself.

         And if they had to get this wand, so they could help the villains escape then they wouldn't be able to change his niece back. If the villains escaped Maleficent would get her hands on Mal again and she would torture her again.

         They wouldn't be able to stop her especially if she becomes powerful enough to take over Auradon. Maleficent was powerful now with no magic; he didn't even want to imagine how powerful she could be with not just her own magic, but with her magic and Fairy God Mother's wand combined. Maleficent would be unstoppable and that was the most horrifying thing that could ever happen.

             While Cruella and Jafar were arguing about how they didn't want their kids to go to Auradon the Evil Queen was excited. She wanted Evie to go to Auradon. The Evil Queen just smiled as she knew this would be the perfect opportunity for Evie to get a prince and some royalty.

            "Oh Evie is definitely going. This is our chance my little evillete in training. You are finally going to put all of our lessons to use and you will finally make mommy proud. You are going to get a prince with a mother in law wing and lots and lots of mirrors," The Evil Queen squealed out to her daughter excitedly. Evie just put on her fake ditzy act as she joined in on her mother's happiness knowing that it would be suspicious and worse for herself if she didn't.

          Evie definitely did not care about getting some stupid prince and she definitly did not want to get her mother a place to stay, but she had to pretend like she did. Evie had perfected the fake ditzy act by now, and no one except for Carlos, Jay, and sometimes Mal knew that Evie was faking her ditzy personality.

          Evie was playing her ditzy role on the outside but she was honestly freaking out right now on the inside. She wanted to go to Auradon since she would finally be able to get her daughter back and be a mom again.

        She wanted to be with Carlos and raise their baby together with Jay helping and them all three getting to actually watch their baby/niece grow up. She wanted to see her baby go through all of the important milestones that come with growing up instead of being forced to think she was a teenager, but now she was terrified about messing up and not bringing Maleficent the wand. If they messed that up then Maleficent would torture them and Maleficent was serious about that.

              Plus she didn't want to steal the wand and help the villains escape. Their parents deserved to rot on the Isle for all the torturous things they have done to them, but they couldn't tell them that and there was nothing they could do about it. They were just minions to their parents and that's what they would always be. Their job and whole existence was to do exactly what their parents wanted them to do. Carlos was just a slave, Jay was free labor, and Evie was a ticket to royalty.

               And her baby worst of all was just a punching bag for Maleficent. Getting to Auradon would save them all and it would give her baby back to her, but now they were just going to free the villains and cause more damage.

               Maleficent began to grow even more angry as she watched the others all start talking about why they shouldn't go or why they should because nobody seemed to be listening to her and that was fueling her rage.

            "Stop! All of you! Our little brats are all four going to Auradon and they are going to steal the wand! They aren't staying here to be your stupid slave or your errand rat! And they are not going to find a stupid prince! They are going to free us so we can finally destroy Auradon once and for all! Now EQ give her the mirror! And Mal get up now! Come here stop being a scared little coward! I have something to give you so get up or I will make you!" Maleficent screamed out to everyone as she was sick of everyone questioning her authority.

            The Evil Queen just smiled a bit as she handed Evie the tiny magic mirror. Evie just smiled and held back a laugh as she looked at the mirror. It was so tiny and nothing like the all powerful magic mirror she had heard so much about. Evie just looked at her mom while examining the mirror.

           "This is your mirror?" Evie asked her mom sarcastically while also using her ditzy princess voice. Her mom just shrugged her off while Mal had quickly gotten up from her seat and ran towards her "mother" not wanting to get in more trouble.

              As soon as Mal got to Maleficent the evil faery just opened her "safe" as she pulled out her spell book shoving it at the confused and still scared younger girl. "Take this! It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon! It will help you get the wand! Now go there's a limo waiting for you all outside! Don't mess this up or you will regret it!" Maleficent told the scared teens as she shoved Mal towards the older three and they didn't even hesitate to link arms as they all four made their way towards the limo that would take them away from their Isle prison.

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