Night Time Thoughts

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Mal groaned when she woke up to find herself in some pink fluffy bed that she definitely didn't remember getting on. She looked over to see that it was completely dark out and Evie was passed out on her bed as well.

    Mal had no clue what happened as the last thing she remembered was Evie finding her sobbing in the museum and everything after that was a blur to her. Mal just sighed as she decided she should probably go back to sleep, but for some reason she was starting to feel afraid and hungry, but she didn't know why.

     Mal just shrugged off the feeling as she rolled over and closed her eyes falling back to sleep. Mal just started sobbing and screaming though when she had seen her "mother" in her dreams and her "mother" was yelling horrible things at her and hurting her.

      "No! Let me go! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop it! I'll try better next time I promise! Please don't hurt me!" Mal screamed out as she began to thrash around immediately causing Evie to wake up. Evie immediately ran from her bed as she quickly went to Mal's bed wanting to comfort her daughter even if Mal didn't know she was her daughter.

         She hated seeing her baby so scared and thrashing like she was. "Hey Mal sweetie. Wake up please. It's just a nightmare. She's not here right now. She can't hurt you I promise. I'm right here. It's okay," Evie told her baby in the teenage body as she just held her close to her and Mal just carefully opened her eyes and then grabbed onto Evie.

           "Evie it was so scary. Why can't my "mom" love me? Why doesn't my "mom" love me? I want my "mom" to love me. It hurts so much when she says such mean things to me. I just want my "mom" to love and appreciate me. What's wrong with me? There has to be something wrong with me if my own "mom" won't love me and my dad left," Mal cried out as she held onto Evie.

             Evie just started crying as well as she held Mal close to her as she rocked her. She wanted to hurt Maleficent so badly for causing so much harm to her baby. And it was killing her to have to listen to her daughter cry out about not having love from her mother when that wasn't true.

              Evie was her mom and Evie loved Mal dearly, but she couldn't tell her that and it was just hurting her more and more. And the comment about her dad stung too especially as it made her think about what would have happened had she not gone out the day Mal was born and she never ran into Carlos. She would have been on her own with Mal.

                And that would have been so hard for her to imagine. She loved having Carlos there with her helping her. They had become a family and they were a team. But at the same time maybe if Carlos hadn't been there then maybe she would still have her actual baby as Cruella and her mom never would have even remembered Mal and then Maleficent never would have known either.

                 Maybe if Carlos hadn't gotten involved then she would still be with her baby in her baby form and all of her pain and suffering over losing her baby never would have happened. Evie just immediately shook those awful thoughts away. It was so wrong for her to be thinking that way. Carlos was an amazing father and he was going through the same pain as her.

                 Evie quickly came out of her deep thoughts as she held Mal closer and rocked her while humming a little. "Hey Mal it's okay. I'm sure your mom loves you very much and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are the cutest, sweetest girl ever," Evie told her baby in the teenage glamour making Mal laugh as she wiped away her tears and released herself from Evie's grip as she jumped up standing up tall.

              "Ew gross! I am not cute and sweet! What do I look like an Auradon princess? I'm a villain kid! I'm strong, ruthless, vicious, and cruel!" Mal told Evie, making Evie laugh as she knew that her words had brought Mal away from her horrible thoughts about Maleficent.

                "Aw sure you are cutie! Now come here I want to pinch your adorable little cheeks!" Evie told Mal as she was trying to distract Mal and make her feel better as she hated seeing her baby sad, but at the same time Mal really was being adorable and Evie couldn't help herself seeing her baby looking so adorable like that it was like her motherly instincts couldn't be controlled.

                 "Ew no! E! You have to catch me if you want to do something as disgusting as that And you will never catch me!" Mal screamed out as she ran and tried to hide. It was so childish, but for some reason Mal was loving her little childish games with Evie. She didn't understand why she was finding it so fun, but she was.

                   Evie just laughed as she was finally seeing some more of her actual silly little baby in Mal as Mal was acting silly and like her real age again making Evie happy. "Oh really! Gotcha!" Evie told Mal as she started tickling her making Mal laugh hysterically as she tried to fight against Evie.

                   "Okay! Okay! E! You win! You win! I surrender!" Mal screamed out making Evie laugh as she stopped tickling her baby. "Yay I win again! Are you feeling better M?" Evie asked Mal, making Mal nod her head with a smile as Evie really did know how to make her feel better. In fact for some reason just having Evie near her made her feel safe and she didn't get why that was.

                   "Yeah thanks for that. You always make me feel so much better and safer. I love you E. You're like a big sister to me," Mal told Evie, making Evie smile, but she did feel a little hurt being called a big sister instead of her mom, but at least it was closer than best friend.

                     "Aw and I love you too my little cutie baby sister! But we should get to sleep now. It's really late and we have our first day of school here at Auradon Prep in the morning," Evie told Mal hesitantly as she hated referring to her daughter as her baby sister, but Mal had just called her a big sister and so if Evie didn't go along with it that would make Mal feel bad and Evie didn't want to do that.

                      Mal just laughed as she looked at Evie. "But I'm not even tired! I'm wide awake right now! But I am hungry! Can we go get some food," Mal told Evie as her glamour wasn't strong enough to hold back Mal's baby instinct to eat in the middle of the night.

                      Evie just looked at the time and saw it was about three or four in the morning as she realized why Mal was so hungry. That used to be one of her feeding times.

                    "Mal it's three in the morning," Evie told Mal as she couldn't just agree right away it would look suspicious so she had to pretend like she was just her friend and a friend wouldn't just easily agree to go make food at 3 am on a school night.

                       Mal just rolled her eyes as she looked at Evie. "I know, but I'm so hungry! I need food like now! Please Evieeee! Please! Please Please come with me to get some food! I'm so hungry right now!" Mal screamed out making Evie sigh as she knew Mal needed to eat as she may be in a teenage glamour, but in reality she was still a baby that needed night feedings for her developing body.

                        "Okay fine let's go make some food at 3 am, but we are going to be so exhausted tomorrow on our first day of school. I hope you know that," Evie playfully told Mal, still putting on her "big sister" act.

                        Mal just laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Oh who cares school is stupid anyway! And besides we are not even going to be staying here for long since we still need to get that wand and then we can get out of this prissy place, so it doesn't matter how we do in school anyway. Now come on let's go to the kitchen! I'm starving!" Mal told Evie as she grabbed Evie's arm, dragging her out the dorm and towards the kitchen.

                          Evie just put on a fake smile as she allowed her daughter to drag her towards the kitchen. She had totally forgotten about the wand, but Mal had just reminded her about it and it made her remember that they still had two missions to complete and they weren't even close to finishing any of them.

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